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19990912: Dislpaying profiler data on GARP
- Subject: 19990912: Dislpaying profiler data on GARP
- Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:50:25 -0600
>From: Robert Ballentine <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199909121742.LAA01721
> I am not able to display profiler data on GARP. Although the data is
>being ingested by the LDM in the form YYMMDDHH_6min.gem (where HH is either
>00 or 12), I keep getting a gempak error [TG -16] No times in range, or
>[TI -3] No times within range. I have set profilerK to 6min in my
>Garp_defaults, and I set profilerT to $(profiler)/@(YYMMDDHH)_6min.gem.
>The data is present in the .../gempak/profiler directory, and I get output
>every six minutes when I run snlist for a specific city and time interval.
> Please let me know if you have any suggestions as to how to display the
>profiler data using GARP.
> Thanks,
> Bob Ballentine
It seems like things are correct. Are you running Garp 2.02?
Is the profiler directory location being correctly defined at
the top of the file Garp_defaults?
The purpose for separating the profiler in to the HH=00,12 files is because
otherwise the number of 6 minute observations in a day exceeds the maximum
number of times allowed. Since Garp can open multiple files, it can
still exceed the maximum allowd times if you try to plot 6 minute intervals
for 24 hours. You can plot 24 hours at 12 minute intervals, or
12 hours at 6 minute intervals- both will use less than the
200 maximum times allowed.
If the above doesn't shed any light, could you send me your
Garp_defaults file, along with the Garp version you are
running and the operating system you are running under.
Steve Chiswell