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19990618: data formats
- Subject: 19990618: data formats
- Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 12:37:45 -0600
>From: Michelle Tuorto <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199906181826.MAA29721
> I'm currently receiving GOES satellite data from SSEC at the University
> of Wisconsin, and I'm interested to find out my options for viewing it.
> I would like to use GARP, but I don't know if the files can be converted
> to use with that particular GEMPAK interface. Would you please let me
> know what would be my best bet to view the data (preferably with looping
> and magnification capabilities)? Thank you very much!
> Michelle Tuorto
> ******************************************************************
> Michelle Tuorto
> University of Michigan Atmospheric Science
> Mesoscale Meteorology Lab
> 734.764.0564 (W)
> 734.623.9377 (H)
> address@hidden
The Satellite files from SSEC are in McIDAS AREA file format.
Gempak and Garp (garp is just a GUI using the GEMPAK libraries)
can view GOES data stored in AREA file format. The only limitation
to Gempak regarding AREA files is that it can only read the 1 byte
(8 bit) imagery and not 10 bit imagery- All of the AREA files
distributed on the IDD are 8 bit, so no problem there.
Garp requires the data be stored in a directory structure
so that it can present the popup menus based on satellite, resolution,
channel etc. The program Nsat (also distributed with Gempak)
allows looping and zooming of imagery as well (without the features
of overlaying data etc that Garp gives). Nsat has an option for
browing data in arbitrary directories as well.
MciDAS is another option we have for viewing the satellite images.
McIDAS has features for computing satellite calibrations, radiance
retreivals and image combination/calculations that Gempak does not.
Otherwise, both packages are well suited for displaying satellite imagery.
Mcidas is more suited to image analysis.
Steve Chiswell