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1999618: 19990528: BUFR decoder
- Subject: 1999618: 19990528: BUFR decoder
- Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 14:49:11 -0600
cat NMCWPDERL.990503.142432 | dcprof -p $GEMTBL/pack/profiler.pack \
-d - \
-s $GEMTBL/profiler_fsl.stn \
$GEMTBL/grid/tableb $GEMTBL/grid/tabled YYMMDD_pro.gem
I added the -d flag above to write any error messages back to the screen.
This may tell you why the file isn't created - for exmaple, if you
don't have the GEMTBL directory available etc.
Since your files aren't from the IDD, they may not have WMO headers- which could
be a problem also. If you still have problems, please send me a data file so I
see how its compares to the BUFR files that are broadcast on FOS/NOAAport.
Alternatively, you may be able to get the NetCDF format files from the
MCIDAS dta stream archive.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User SUpport
>From: "Kevin M. Lux" <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199906181857.MAA00887
>Okie-dokie, I've finally gotten to a point where I can play around with this B
> UF
>R data. I made a stab at using that long "cat" command below, GEMPAK started
> to
> do something, but nothing was ever produced. I obviously did something wrong
> .
> Nothing was destroyed, either, so that's good. My files have funky names lik
> e
>-- NMCWPDERL.990503.142432 --. I'm doubtful that the 142432 is hh/mm/ss, but
> I'
>m not sure. How does this filename fit into that big command described in the
> p
>revious message? I'll definitely have to come up with a shell script to do th
> is
> because I'm not typing that 100 times! :)
>On 28-May-99 Unidata Support wrote:
>>>From: "Kevin M. Lux" <address@hidden>
>>>Organization: .
>>>Keywords: 199905281819.MAA14427
>>>I'm doing some research on the tornadoes in Oklahoma and I downloaded some
>>> d
>>>profiler data. Problem is that the data is in BUFR format. Is there a
>>> r
>>>I can gain access to?
>>>E-Mail: Kevin M. Lux <address@hidden>
>>>Date: 28-May-99
>>>Time: 14:02:30
>>>This brain has performed an illegal operation and must be shut down.
>>Gempak provides a BUFR profiler data decoder (since profiler data is
>>distributed on the IDD HRS feed in BUFR format). The program
>>is called dcprof.
>>Typical invocation for the data on the HRS stream using the WMO headers
>>IUPT looks like:
>>cat bufrfile | dcprof -p $GEMTBL/pack/profiler.pack \
>> -s $GEMTBL/profiler_fsl.stn \
>> $GEMTBL/grid/tableb $GEMTBL/grid/tabled YYMMDD_pro.gem
>>The data tables (tableb and tabled) mentioned above define the bufr
>>I have also provided a netCDF format profiler decoder (dcncprof) for
>>6 minute profiler data from FSL (The BUFR data is hourly summaries).
>>Steve Chiswell
>>Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
>>(303)497-8644 P.O. Box 3000
>>address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
>>Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
>E-Mail: Kevin M. Lux <address@hidden>
>Date: 18-Jun-99
>Time: 14:47:16
>This brain has performed an illegal operation and must be shut down.