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[UDUNITS #PIK-524714]: xlink dictionary references for GCM model output re udunits2 and ISO19115

The following was mistakenly included in a thread in support-udunits.

Steve Emmerson

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Ritchie <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 3:10 PM
Subject: New Client Reply - [UDUNITS !PIK-524714]: xlink dictionary
references for GCM model output re udunits2 and ISO19115
To: address@hidden


Could you please give me an example of netcdf-java code that reads a data.nc
file and saves the ncgm file to another file.


                           Jack Ritchie / UCSD / SIO / CASPO

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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PIK-524714
Department: Support UDUNITS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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