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[UDUNITS #PIK-524714]: xlink dictionary references for GCM model output re udunits2 and ISO19115
- Subject: [UDUNITS #PIK-524714]: xlink dictionary references for GCM model output re udunits2 and ISO19115
- Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2017 10:20:52 -0700
In my previous reply I said that "second" wasn't included in the base-units
database because that database wasn't designed to hold names.
I was mistaken. The name "second" is in the base-units database -- as are all
the names of the base units of the SI unit system.
The alias"sec" isn't in the base-units database because that name isn't part of
the SI unit system. It is, however, a common abbreviation, which is why it's in
the common-units database.
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PIK-524714
Department: Support UDUNITS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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