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[UDUNITS #GXI-877591]: Adding custom unit to XML database


> Thanks for your help with this.  I have to disagree a bit with your point 
> about IU, though.  IU isn't much different than moles.  We can express 1 mole 
> of magnesium sulfate in equivalent g of Mg and also g S.  I'll note that 
> UDUNITS2 doesn't require a measure of mole equivalents for all possible 
> compounds and their constituents.  Moreover, since one can't convert moles of 
> S to moles of SO4, by the logic provided there should be no mole unit all.

You've correctly identified the problem. The UDUNITS package can't convert 
between moles and kilograms. The same applies for conversion between IU and 
either moles or kilograms.

> Clinical data is recorded, in any case, as ALT, AST, ALP, etc. in (U/L) or 
> (U/mL) or just (U).  The first thing we do is convert to either mass or mole 
> units.  Just being able to process 23 U/L of AST with a constant of x mg/U 
> (much like a molecular weight) is hugely helpful.
> I was able to get "U" into the units database with the tips given and given 
> known conversion factors I can do what I need now.  Thanks for you help.

Good luck.

Steve Emmerson

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: GXI-877591
Department: Support UDUNITS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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