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20050115: units
- Subject: 20050115: units
- Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 16:09:24 -0700
> To: address@hidden
> From: Chris Webster <address@hidden>
> Subject: units
> Organization: NCAR
> Keywords: 200501152248.j0FMmXv2012012
The above message contained the following:
> I have a number of questions on units:
I assume you're referring to the UDUNTIS package.
> 0) How are powers represented (m2, m-2, m^2)?
The package can correctly interpret all those specifications. For "m2"
it will print "meter2".
> 0.1) (grams/m3)^2 and (m/s)(ppmv)
The package doesn't understand the "ppmv" specification.
> 1) boolean or binary. Is this just count with valid_range of 0-1?
I don't know what you mean.
> 2) Do deg (0-360) have a valid_range since they can wrap around (modulo)?
The UDUNITS package doesn't know "valid_range" from a
hole-in-the-ground. That's a netCDF thing.
> 3) I don't see any flow rates or concentrations (e.g. ppm, ppb, slpm,
> vlpm, ppmv, sccm, ppv)?
The UDUNITS package doesn't handle "concentration" units very well.
> 4) How is Number/Liter represented? We've used N/L, but that implies
> newtons....
I would use "1/liter".
> --Chris
Steve Emmerson
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