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20040304: UDUNITS problem: time varaibles: data types
- Subject: 20040304: UDUNITS problem: time varaibles: data types
- Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 14:44:45 -0700
> To: address@hidden
> From: address@hidden
> Subject: udunits problems
> Organization: UCAR/Unidata
> Keywords: 200403042037.i24KburV008355
The above message contained the following:
> I am writing you again - after we managed to compile the libraries
> on the Intel Compiler, we are now having problems with the time
> variables. When we try to run CDFreader to read NCEP data we got the
> error message (below the corresponding subroutine). We tried to
> fix it by moving the include commands of the subroutine to the main
> program (rather than the subroutne gridread where they originally
> are), all date-time variables got the value 1 (exept the hour that got
> 0).
The include-file "/home/sapir/udunits-1.12.1/include/udunits.inc"
defines the types of UTMAKE, UTDEC, and UTTIME -- so it's not necessary
(and apparently an error) to define them within the "gridread"
subroutine. If you remove the following lines
> integer UTMAKE !!!!this is line 271
> integer UTDEC,uttime
from the "gridread" subroutine, then the file should compile without the
following errors:
> fortcom: Error: CDFreaderII.F, line 271: This name has already been assigned a
> data type. [UTMAKE]
> integer UTMAKE
> ..............^
> fortcom: Error: CDFreaderII.F, line 272: This name has already been assigned a
> data type. [UTDEC]
> integer UTDEC,uttime
> ..............^
> fortcom: Error: CDFreaderII.F, line 272: This name has already been assigned a
> data type. [UTTIME]
> integer UTDEC,uttime
> ....................^
> compilation aborted for CDFreaderII.F (code 1)
> The same code is working perfectly other machines that are using the portland
> group fortran compiler (I am using the Intel Fortran compiler).
Apparently, the Portland Group Fortran compiler doesn't care how many
times a symbol is declared as long as the declarations are the same.
> Looks to me like a compiler problem. some dependency between intel fortran and
> the subroutines of the UDUNITS library.
> Did anyone else has encoutered such a problem?
> Any ideas for possible solutions?
> I will appreciate any help,
> Best regards,
> Nir.
Steve Emmerson