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[THREDDS #ZWT-786400]: Unable to open subsetted NetCDF files
- Subject: [THREDDS #ZWT-786400]: Unable to open subsetted NetCDF files
- Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 14:55:00 -0700
Hi again,
> Here is the full NCSS request URL which appears at the bottom of your
> webpage after I've selected my desired options Mike:
> https://thredds-jumbo.unidata.ucar.edu/thredds/ncss/grid/grib/NCEP/GFS/Global_0p25deg/GFS_Global_0p25deg_20230220_1800.grib2?var=Total_precipitation_surface_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation&north=-8&west=105&east=160&south=-47&horizStride=1&time_start=2023-02-20T18:00:00Z&time_end=2023-03-08T18:00:00Z&&&accept=netcdf3
I downloaded that file to my Ubuntu environment, GrADS was still able to read
it like the other ones. No errors, no trouble...
> The version of GrADS I'm using is 2.2.1.oga.1. However it's a version which
> I installed using the Windows superpack .exe
Ah HA! This is where your problem lies.
I just installed that version using the superpack.exe like you did onto a
clean-ish Win10 environment. NOW I get failures, and GrADS is unable to open
the file. I'm pasting that output and the output from "q config" below.
At this point the issue seems to be with that particular installation of GrADS.
Given the differences I'm not sure if it's because you're using Windows, the
fact that yours is OpenGrADS and mine is not, the older version of netCDF that
uses, or something else entirely. But since I'm not getting any failures in a
current install of GrADS I can't rightly blame either the TDS or GrADS itself;
my recommendation would be to try a different install of GrADS, preferably in a
Linux environment if that's at all possible.
Since this doesn't seem related to THREDDS I'm going to close this ticket out,
but please let me know if you have any other questions.
Here is my GrADS output from that Win10 environment:
ga-> sdfopen GFS_Global_0p25deg_20230220_1800.grib2.nc
Scanning self-describing file: GFS_Global_0p25deg_20230220_1800.grib2.nc
SDF file has no discernable time coordinate -- using default values.
gadsdf: SDF file does not have any non-coordinate variables.
ga-> q file
No Files Open
ga-> q config
Config: v2.2.1.oga.1 little-endian readline grib2 netcdf hdf4-sds hdf5
opendap-grids,stn athena geotiff shapefile
Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 2.2.1.oga.1
Copyright (C) 1988-2018 by George Mason University
See file COPYRIGHT for more information
Configured on 02/22/19 for i686-pc-cygwin
This build of GrADS has the following features:
-+- Byte order is LITTLE ENDIAN
-+- Athena Widget GUI ENABLED
-+- Command line editing ENABLED
-+- GRIB2 interface ENABLED g2clib-1.6.0
-+- NetCDF interface ENABLED netcdf-4.3.3
-+- OPeNDAP gridded data interface ENABLED
-+- OPeNDAP station data interface ENABLED libgadap 2.0.oga.1
-+- HDF4 interface ENABLED hdf-4.2r3
-+- HDF5 interface ENABLED hdf5-1.10.2
-+- KML contour output ENABLED
-+- GeoTIFF and KML/TIFF output ENABLED
-+- Shapefile interface ENABLED
The 'q gxconfig' command returns Graphics configuration information
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZWT-786400
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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