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[THREDDS #PZW-442726]: Gradle offline build for tds
- Subject: [THREDDS #PZW-442726]: Gradle offline build for tds
- Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2016 17:56:57 -0600
Hi Ghansham,
If you do the following:
1) Build project on internet-connected machine.
2) Copy contents of $HOME/.gradle/caches/ to no-internet machine.
3) Build project on no-internet machine using --offline flag
That sequence should allow you to build successfully on the 2nd machine. If
it's not, I'm afraid I can't help any further, as that's not something we test
here at Unidata.
One thing I noticed:
[rapid@ias ~/thredds-4.6.6]$ ./gradlew -offline assemble
If that's the exact command you ran, you need another dash (i.e. "--offline",
not "-offline").
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PZW-442726
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: High
Status: Closed
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