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[THREDDS #JER-551961]: Time Series Aggregation Question
- Subject: [THREDDS #JER-551961]: Time Series Aggregation Question
- Date: Fri, 30 May 2014 15:29:07 -0600
Hi Dominic:
where did you get this syntax:
> http://localhost:8080/thredds/dodsC/GOES_magneto/GOES_magneto_2014_03.nc.ascii?BY_1&time_start=2014-03-29T12:00:00Z&time_end=2014-03-30T12:00:00Z
its not standard opendap.
> THREDDS support,
> I'm a student intern at the Solar and Terrestrial Physics division of
> NGDC/NOAA and I have been tasked with evaluating the feasibility of using
> TDS to serve a GOES NetCDF data set. I have set up the catalog file to
> aggregate a month of day files, but I was hoping I could get some advise
> regarding the best method for aggregating time series data.
> The issue I'm having is with the use of start_time and end_time parameters
> in the url. For example:
> http://localhost:8080/thredds/dodsC/GOES_magneto/GOES_magneto_2014_03.nc.ascii?BY_1&time_start=2014-03-29T12:00:00Z&time_end=2014-03-30T12:00:00Z
> This url returns ascii csv for the entire month of March rather than just
> 3/29 through 3/30.
> I'm currently using TDS version 4.3, JDK 1.8, and Tomcat 8.0.5. The NetCDF
> files are being aggregated along the "record" dimension and the "time_tag"
> variable with units "milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC". The
> "time_tag" variable is being renamed "record" to match the dimension name
> as required by TDS. I have attached my catalog.xml file and an example of a
> NetCDF file can be found here:
> http://satdat.ngdc.noaa.gov/sem/goes/data/new_full/2014/03/goes15/netcdf/g15_magneto_512ms_20140301_20140301.nc
> I think the problem might be that the file's metadata doesn't comply
> exactly with CF metadata conventions. If this is the case, how would the
> metadata need to change in order for TDS to recognize the aggregation
> dimension as time and allow the use of time parameters in the url? Could
> these changes be made in the catalog file via NcML? If these files are not
> cut out for time series aggregation, then what conventions would you
> suggest for future data sets to make this sort of aggregation feasible?
> Any advice or guidance would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Dominic Fuller-Rowell
> Dominic Fuller-Rowell -- Supervised by William Denig
> Associate NOAA/NGDC/STPD [Boulder Facility]
> 325 Broadway St.
> Boulder, CO 80305-3328 USA
> Tel: (303) 497-6900
> Cell: (303) 587-8671
> address@hidden <address@hidden>
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JER-551961
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open