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[THREDDS #SYD-491615]: TDS java exception "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
- Subject: [THREDDS #SYD-491615]: TDS java exception "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
- Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 10:13:16 -0600
Hi Luke,
I'm pulling down the new files now. Can you send me your current
catalog.xml and threddsConfig.xml files? I'll throw everything back in
the debugger.
On 5/20/2014 6:55 PM, Luke Sheneman wrote:
> New Client Reply: TDS java exception "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException"
> for large netcdf
> Hi Katherine -
> I was looking at THREDDS today and started poking around with your new
> test files. Basically none of your new test files work with OPeNDAP in
> The test files are here:
> http://thredds1.nkn.uidaho.edu:8080/thredds/catalog/NWCSC_INTEGRATED_SCENARIOS_ALL_CLIMATE/macav2livneh/TEST/catalog.html
> Some observations:
> 1) the first file seems to be artificially truncated at 2.647GB
> (macav2livneh_nocompress_tasmax_CSIRO-Mk3-6-0_historical_1980_1989_CONUS.nc)
> THREDDs throws this exception when trying to access it via OPeNDAP:
> Error {
> code = 500;
> message = "java.io.IOException: File is truncated should be=
> 5981730804 actual = 2647130112";
> };
> All of the other files all seem to generate one of two THREDDs Java
> exceptions:
> java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
> I just doubled the memory I allocate for thredds using these start
> params: -Xmx16384m -Xms16384m
> But it looks like things are still broken. Again, this looks like a
> problem with THREDDs itself or a problem with how you are generating the
> NetCDFs. The fact that one can open these NetCDFs in other tools
> seems to indicate to me that this is a problem with THREDDs itself.
> I will focus on this for the remainder of the week, and hopefully we can
> make some headway.
> Thanks,
> -Luke
> --
> Luke Sheneman, Ph.D
> Technology and Data Services Manager
> Northwest Knowledge Network (NKN) / University of Idaho
> http://www.northwestknowledge.net
> address@hidden
> Office: 208.885.4228 Mobile: 208.669.2248
> On 5/19/14, 12:26 PM, Hegewisch, Katherine (address@hidden) wrote:
>> Luke,
>> What can I do to get the THREDDS server working?
>> Can I make smaller year range files to overcome these problems?
>> I am willing to do whatever you need me to do to fix this to get THREDDS
>> working? Did any of the sample files I sent you work (compressed,
>> uncompressed, smaller file sizes, etc)?
>> If I keep the final uncompressed file under ___ GB... will your system work?
>> Let me know what I can do to help.
>> Thanks.
>> Katherine
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Unidata THREDDS Support <address@hidden>
>> Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 10:41 AM
>> To: Sheneman, Lucas (address@hidden)
>> Cc: address@hidden; Sheneman, Lucas (address@hidden); Hegewisch, Katherine
>> (address@hidden); Vollmer, David (address@hidden)
>> Subject: [THREDDS #SYD-491615]: TDS java exception
>> "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
>> Katherine et al.,
>> I went back to our netcdf folks, who now tell me that the file I have
>> from you really is in HDF-5/Netcdf-4 format. Best guess on the hiccup
>> would be waving hands at possible different versions of the libraries
>> being used to write and then read the files. I don't know much about
>> the different versions of MATLAB mentioned below, so I can't really say,
>> but it looks like R2014A supports netcdf-4.1.3.
>> Another issue that we'll need to address has to do with a limitation in
>> Java that the TDS isn't handling gracefully. While the file I have is
>> "only" 3 gigs or so, it is compressed. When accessing the data, it is
>> very easy to ask for a single variable array that exceeds the maximum
>> java array size, which is limited to something like MAX_INT indices.
>> -Lansing
>> On 5/6/2014 3:35 PM, Hegewisch, Katherine (address@hidden) wrote:
>>> New Client Reply: TDS java exception "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException"
>>> for large netcdf
>>> Luke and others,
>>> I use a couple of different versions of MATLAB to make these files: MATLAB
>>> R2012a, R2013b, and R2013a.
>>> In each version, I use the same 2 commands for making these:
>>> %making the netcdf file
>>> ncid = netcdf.create(FULLFILENAME,'NETCDF4');
>>> %compression
>>> netcdf.defVarDeflate(ncid,dataID,true,true,5);
>>> Katherine
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: Sheneman, Lucas (address@hidden)
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 6, 2014 1:50 PM
>>> To: Hegewisch, Katherine (address@hidden); address@hidden
>>> Cc: Vollmer, David (address@hidden)
>>> Subject: Re: [THREDDS #SYD-491615]: TDS java exception
>>> "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
>>> Katherine,
>>> NetCDF4 and HDF5 are pretty much the same thing, and in fact netcdf4 is
>>> a subset of HDF5, as per unidata documentation:
>>> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/netcdf/NetCDF_002d4-Format.html
>>> However if MATLAB is creating netcdf4 files with HDF4 (not HDF5)
>>> elements, that does point to a potential problem with how MATLAB creates
>>> netcdf4 files.
>>> Lansing, since these netcdf4 files were created entirely from MATLAB's
>>> netcdf4 file creation tools - and you guys have a better handle on what
>>> parts of the file required hdf4 libraries, perhaps Unidata could file a
>>> bug against MATLAB?
>>> Katherine, what specific version of MATLAB did you use to generate these
>>> netcdf4 files?
>>> Katherine, I can help you get our THREDDS configuration working with the
>>> new (smaller) files. I will work on that this afternoon. Have they
>>> been uploaded to NKN?
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Luke
>>> --
>>> Luke Sheneman, Ph.D
>>> Technology and Data Services Manager
>>> Northwest Knowledge Network (NKN) / University of Idaho
>>> http://www.northwestknowledge.net
>>> address@hidden
>>> Office: 208.885.4228 Mobile: 208.669.2248
>>> On 5/6/14, 11:42 AM, Hegewisch, Katherine (address@hidden) wrote:
>>>> MATLAB claims that making netcdf files using NETCDF4 option
>>>> creates a 'NetCDF-4/HDF5 file'
>>>> http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/netcdf.create.html
>>>> Should I contact MATLAB about this?
>>>> Luke - if I remade my netcdf files so that they were 10 year ranges (i..e
>>>> half the size they are now), would that help you in getting THREDDS going
>>>> and all this working.. or are the other problems preventing this too?
>>>> k
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> From: Unidata THREDDS Support <address@hidden>
>>>> Sent: Monday, May 5, 2014 12:23 PM
>>>> To: Sheneman, Lucas (address@hidden)
>>>> Cc: address@hidden; Sheneman, Lucas (address@hidden); Hegewisch, Katherine
>>>> (address@hidden); Vollmer, David (address@hidden)
>>>> Subject: [THREDDS #SYD-491615]: TDS java exception
>>>> "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
>>>> Great! I also just heard back from one of our NetCDF gurus, recently
>>>> back from EGU. He took a look at the sample file I have, and determined
>>>> that it has characteristics of HDF4. At the least, he couldn't read it
>>>> using "pure" hdf5 libraries, but had to recompile ncdump including hdf4
>>>> libraries. I don't know if that is a surprise for you, but I thought
>>>> I'd pass it along. He was convinced that it was a NetCDF-4 file
>>>> generally, though.
>>>> -Lansing
>>>> On 5/5/2014 11:18 AM, Hegewisch, Katherine (address@hidden) wrote:
>>>>> New Client Reply: TDS java exception
>>>>> "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
>>>>> These should not be characters, but should be floating point. That is a
>>>>> mistake on my part.
>>>>> I can fix this.
>>>>> Katherine
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> From: Unidata THREDDS Support <address@hidden>
>>>>> Sent: Monday, May 5, 2014 10:15 AM
>>>>> To: Sheneman, Lucas (address@hidden)
>>>>> Cc: address@hidden; Sheneman, Lucas (address@hidden); Hegewisch,
>>>>> Katherine (address@hidden); Vollmer, David (address@hidden)
>>>>> Subject: [THREDDS #SYD-491615]: TDS java exception
>>>>> "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
>>>>> Luke,
>>>>> Have you had any luck opening the file using ToolsUI? Also, in my
>>>>> poking around, I ran into an issue in that there are global attributes
>>>>> that look like they should be floating point data types (double, I
>>>>> think), but are actually character strings:
>>>>> :geospatial_lat_min = "25.1562";
>>>>> :geospatial_lat_max = "52.8438";
>>>>> :geospatial_lon_min = "-124.5938";
>>>>> :geospatial_lon_max = "-67.0312";
>>>>> I'll have to figure out a way to manage it better, but is there some
>>>>> reason these are being created as chars?
>>>>> -Lansing
>>>>> On 4/30/2014 3:19 PM, Luke Sheneman wrote:
>>>>>> New Client Reply: TDS java exception
>>>>>> "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
>>>>>> Okay, thanks Lansing. We will take a look using the TooksUI. If your
>>>>>> dev environment running TDS 4.3.21 but it can successfully serve these
>>>>>> larger netcdf files, then it is definitely a configuration issue on our
>>>>>> end. It sounds like you can serve these files on your debug TDS server.
>>>>>> I can open and view the larger netcdfs using Panoply.
>>>>>> Your screen grab looks right. That "bleeding over" into Canada is
>>>>>> intentional to capture portions of the Columbia River basin that reside
>>>>>> in Canada.
>>>>>> Which version of Java are you using in your test environment? Are you
>>>>>> using Oracle or OpenJDK java?
>>>>>> We are using Oracle, 64-bit:
>>>>>> [root@thredds1 sheneman]# /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_51/bin/java -version
>>>>>> java version "1.7.0_51"
>>>>>> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
>>>>>> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)
>>>>>> Which version of Tomcat? We are using Tomcat 6.0.24
>>>>>> Hmmm...
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> -Luke
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Luke Sheneman, Ph.D
>>>>>> Technology and Data Services Manager
>>>>>> Northwest Knowledge Network (NKN) / University of Idaho
>>>>>> http://www.northwestknowledge.net
>>>>>> address@hidden
>>>>>> Office: 208.885.4228 Mobile: 208.669.2248
>>>>>> On 4/30/14, 1:43 PM, Unidata THREDDS Support wrote:
>>>>>>> Luke,
>>>>>>> So here's what I've done to try to capture your problem:
>>>>>>> 1) I've been running our current development branch out of my debugger,
>>>>>>> serving one of the files I grabbed. The development branch is a little
>>>>>>> ahead of the stable release branch, so I also
>>>>>>> 2) have been running the latest stable release of the TDS (4.3.21) from
>>>>>>> the command line, using the same file and catalog.
>>>>>>> 3) I've also been using both the 4.3.21 and current development branch
>>>>>>> of ToolsUI to look at the file and interact with the TDS in a live
>>>>>>> environment
>>>>>>> What I've found is that neither TDS generates a stack trace when serving
>>>>>>> up the large .nc file through OPeNDAP. I can both look at ASCII (as
>>>>>>> long as I restrict the request) and download a .dods file. Using
>>>>>>> ToolsUI, I can hit the TDS remotely and interact with the dataset. To
>>>>>>> that end, I set up a viewer to scroll through time and make a movie of
>>>>>>> the data - looks like continental US plus a little something bleeding
>>>>>>> over into Canada near the WA/ID/MT border (see attached screen grab).
>>>>>>> Do you have ToolsUI? If not, you should grab the jar file here:
>>>>>>> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/downloads/netcdf/netcdf-java-4/index.jsp
>>>>>>> It's a handy file exploration tool. You can run it from the command
>>>>>>> line using:
>>>>>>> java -Xmx1g -jar toolsui-4.3.jar
>>>>>>> Once you have it running, you can navigate to either of two tabs to take
>>>>>>> a quick look at the file. The first is the NCDump tab, the second is
>>>>>>> the Iosp/HDF5/HDF5-Objects tab. The NCDump output will be obvious.
>>>>>>> When you open under HDF5, selecting anything in the upper window will
>>>>>>> cause the lower window to populate with relevant information.
>>>>>>> If the file comes up fine there, then try the THREDDS tab. In the
>>>>>>> catalog URL entry field, enter the address of your thredds server,
>>>>>>> substituting .xml for .html. For instance, it looks like this for me
>>>>>>> (attached). Clicking the Show Dataset button should take you to another
>>>>>>> pane under FeatureTypes/Grids. From there, you can select the Daily
>>>>>>> Mean Near-Surface Wind and click the RedRaw, the little red martian in
>>>>>>> the upper right. A graphics display will come up, empty, and if you
>>>>>>> click RedRaw again, you should see the data populating the screen...
>>>>>>> On the other hand, if something fails quickly, then I'm going to have to
>>>>>>> fall back on the configuration issue, looking hard at 32 vs. 64 bit
>>>>>>> libraries somewhere.
>>>>>>> By the way, what are the other netcdf tools you mentioned you were using
>>>>>>> that had no problems looking at the files? As an aside, Matlab I think
>>>>>>> uses the netcdf-c libraries, and it might be good to make sure it is
>>>>>>> using a recent set.
>>>>>>> Fortunately, if this is a NetCDF issue, I have some friends around the
>>>>>>> corner who can help us out.
>>>>>>> -Lansing
>>>>>>> On 4/30/2014 7:27 AM, Luke Sheneman wrote:
>>>>>>>> New Client Reply: TDS java exception
>>>>>>>> "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
>>>>>>>> Katherine,
>>>>>>>> Let's see what Lansing says. THREDDs should be able to handle these
>>>>>>>> files. The fact that it seems to break when these files are large
>>>>>>>> indicates either a serious bug in THREDDs or a problem with our
>>>>>>>> operating environment. I am curious if unidata sees this java
>>>>>>>> exception when they try to serve these files on their TDS
>>>>>>>> installations? If so, then it is most likely a bug with TDS itself.
>>>>>>>> That is my expectation, and should be really easy to test. I know
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> Lansing already downloaded some of the netcdfs.
>>>>>>>> -Luke
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Luke Sheneman, Ph.D
>>>>>>>> Technology and Data Services Manager
>>>>>>>> Northwest Knowledge Network (NKN) / University of Idaho
>>>>>>>> http://www.northwestknowledge.net
>>>>>>>> address@hidden
>>>>>>>> Office: 208.885.4228 Mobile: 208.669.2248
>>>>>>>> On 4/29/14, 10:10 AM, Hegewisch, Katherine (address@hidden) wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Luke and Lansing,
>>>>>>>>> Yes, these netcdf files are for the years 1950 - 2100. So those years
>>>>>>>>> 2086-2100 you saw in the calendar dates are correct. The years are
>>>>>>>>> also in the file names. These are future climate runs.
>>>>>>>>> Yes these are netcdf4 files. I generate them in MATLAB using
>>>>>>>>> ncid = netcdf.create(FULLFILENAME,'NETCDF4');
>>>>>>>>> Yes these files are compressed. I compress them in MATLAB using
>>>>>>>>> netcdf.defVarDeflate(ncid,dataID,true,true,5);
>>>>>>>>> (the compression is a 5 out of 10... so this should be about 1/2
>>>>>>>>> compression).
>>>>>>>>> I wonder if you need me to make smaller files by using smaller ranges
>>>>>>>>> of years.
>>>>>>>>> Luke - would you like me to make an uncompressed file to see if that
>>>>>>>>> works better with THREDDS?
>>>>>>>>> Katherine
>>>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> From: Sheneman, Lucas (address@hidden)
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 7:22 PM
>>>>>>>>> To: address@hidden
>>>>>>>>> Cc: Hegewisch, Katherine (address@hidden)
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [THREDDS #SYD-491615]: TDS java exception
>>>>>>>>> "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
>>>>>>>>> Lansing and Katherine -
>>>>>>>>> Katherine, can you address Lansing's questions about your netcdf
>>>>>>>>> files? We are trying to debug thredds. It works on your smaller
>>>>>>>>> files, but some things fail on your larger files (>2GB).
>>>>>>>>> Please copy me on your correspondence...
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> -Luke
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Luke Sheneman, Ph.D
>>>>>>>>> Technology and Data Services Manager
>>>>>>>>> Northwest Knowledge Network (NKN) / University of Idaho
>>>>>>>>> http://www.northwestknowledge.net
>>>>>>>>> address@hidden
>>>>>>>>> Office: 208.885.4228 Mobile: 208.669.2248
>>>>>>>>> On 4/26/14, 8:15 AM, Unidata THREDDS Support wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Compressed how? I can open the file in ToolsUI, another netCDF-Java
>>>>>>>>>> interface. If they are compressed somehow, is the 3.1G the
>>>>>>>>>> compressed
>>>>>>>>>> or uncompressed size? Are they actually netcdf4 files?
>>>>>>>>>> -Lansing
>>>>>>>>>> On 4/25/2014 6:10 PM, Luke Sheneman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> New Client Reply: TDS java exception
>>>>>>>>>>> "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Lansing.
>>>>>>>>>>> I believe the netcdfs are compressed. Perhaps that is playing a
>>>>>>>>>>> role here?
>>>>>>>>>>> I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> -Luke
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Luke Sheneman, Ph.D
>>>>>>>>>>> Technology and Data Services Manager
>>>>>>>>>>> Northwest Knowledge Network (NKN) / University of Idaho
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.northwestknowledge.net
>>>>>>>>>>> address@hidden
>>>>>>>>>>> Office: 208.885.4228 Mobile: 208.669.2248
>>>>>>>>>>> On 4/25/14, 3:10 PM, Unidata THREDDS Support wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Luke,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I finally got my system back online today. It's not clear what
>>>>>>>>>>>> happened, but I had to wipe out and reinstall my standard toolkit
>>>>>>>>>>>> programs. I fired up a catalog with your file in it, which is
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.1G in
>>>>>>>>>>>> size. I noticed that trying to download the entire dataset
>>>>>>>>>>>> through the
>>>>>>>>>>>> ncss service failed because the maximum size limit in
>>>>>>>>>>>> threddsConfig.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>> is set at the default 52428800 (50 Megabytes). I upped the
>>>>>>>>>>>> maximum size
>>>>>>>>>>>> by editing this parameter in threddsConfig:
>>>>>>>>>>>> <NetcdfSubsetService>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <allow>true</allow>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <scour>15 min</scour>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <maxAge>30 min</maxAge>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <!--maxFileDownloadSize>2097152</maxFileDownloadSize-->
>>>>>>>>>>>> <!--maxFileDownloadSize>52428800</maxFileDownloadSize-->
>>>>>>>>>>>> <maxFileDownloadSize>10552428800</maxFileDownloadSize>
>>>>>>>>>>>> </NetcdfSubsetService>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Then I realized that somehow, the file is being seen as much
>>>>>>>>>>>> larger than
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.1G, which is an odd behavior...I shouldn't have to specify 10G to
>>>>>>>>>>>> cover a 3.1G file. So, I'll have to dig and see what's going on.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a good weekend,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Lansing
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 4/11/2014 5:31 PM, Luke Sheneman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> New Client Reply: TDS java exception
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" for large netcdf
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Lansing -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've attached the latest log files.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am somewhat familiar with the data. These are downscaled
>>>>>>>>>>>>> climate
>>>>>>>>>>>>> model outputs. Some of the data are historical and some are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> predictive. The one you were looking at is predicting climate
>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenarios for periods in the future (the years 2086 through
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2100). I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't see anything weird with those dates in the data that you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> were
>>>>>>>>>>>>> looking at...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a great weekend, and I look forward to working with you soon
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to get
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the java exception.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Luke
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Luke Sheneman, Ph.D
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Technology and Data Services Manager
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Northwest Knowledge Network (NKN) / University of Idaho
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.northwestknowledge.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>> address@hidden
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Office: 208.885.4228 Mobile: 208.669.2248
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 4/11/14, 3:58 PM, Unidata THREDDS Support wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> baby steps...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When you get a moment, could you repeat the log capture
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> procedure? I'm about to head out for the day, but I'll pull
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this up again on Monday. I looked at one of the files already,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which I downloaded using the http server. Are you familiar with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the data, by chance? I notice that the calendar dates
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Gregorian, days since 1901-01-01) are for 2086-2100. Is this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right, or is something else fishy here?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a good weekend!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Lansing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ticket Details
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Priority: Normal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ticket Details
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===================
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Priority: Normal
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Link:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=23770
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ticket Details
>>>>>>>>>>>> ===================
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>>>>>>>>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>>>>>>>>>> Priority: High
>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>>>>>>>> Ticket Details
>>>>>>>>>>> ===================
>>>>>>>>>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>>>>>>>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>>>>>>>>> Priority: High
>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>>>>>>>> Link:
>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=23770
>>>>>>>>>> Ticket Details
>>>>>>>>>> ===================
>>>>>>>>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>>>>>>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>>>>>>>> Priority: High
>>>>>>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>>>>> Ticket Details
>>>>>>>> ===================
>>>>>>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>>>>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>>>>>> Priority: High
>>>>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>>>>> Link:
>>>>>>>> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=23770
>>>>>>> Ticket Details
>>>>>>> ===================
>>>>>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>>>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>>>>> Priority: High
>>>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>>> Ticket Details
>>>>>> ===================
>>>>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>>>> Priority: High
>>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>>> Link:
>>>>>> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=23770
>>>>> Ticket Details
>>>>> ===================
>>>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>>> Priority: High
>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>> Ticket Details
>>>>> ===================
>>>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>>> Priority: High
>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>> Link:
>>>>> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=23770
>>>> Ticket Details
>>>> ===================
>>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>> Priority: High
>>>> Status: Open
>>> Ticket Details
>>> ===================
>>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>> Priority: High
>>> Status: Open
>>> Link:
>>> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=23770
>> Ticket Details
>> ===================
>> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
>> Department: Support THREDDS
>> Priority: Emergency
>> Status: Open
> Ticket Details
> ===================
> Ticket ID: SYD-491615
> Department: Support THREDDS
> Priority: Emergency
> Status: Open
> Link:
> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=23770
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SYD-491615
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Emergency
Status: Open