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[THREDDS #AXF-489883]: THREDDS bug?
- Subject: [THREDDS #AXF-489883]: THREDDS bug?
- Date: Tue, 20 May 2014 16:51:22 -0600
Hi Vega:
Definitely a bug if files are being left open. What does "during the harvest
(scan) process" mean?
> Dear all,
> as you may remember, I'm working @ CNR and I'm involved (among others)
> in the MyOcean project (http://www.myocean.eu/).
> We use TDS massively (30Tb of data more or less) but I'd like to point
> out a problem we're facing: if there're problematic files (i.e. files
> with missing variables like "latitude"), during the harvest (scan)
> process TDS does not close them. In this way the number of open files
> held by the process keeps growing until it makes the service unstable
> and we need to restart the process. Rising the max open files just
> postpone the problem... (the solution adopted at the time is to delete
> problematic files and then restart TDS).
> Is there any config feature we can set up? Could it be a "little" bug of
> TDS? TDS version used is : 4.3.20-SNAPSHOT - 20131104.1056
> Thanks and best regards
> Vega Forneris
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: AXF-489883
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open