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[THREDDS #BEQ-669858]: Help - GetMap request on featureCollection dataset failed on "
- Subject: [THREDDS #BEQ-669858]: Help - GetMap request on featureCollection dataset failed on "
- Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 13:43:26 -0600
Still can't reproduce it.
On 5/29/2013 1:36 PM, John Caron wrote:
> New Staff Reply: Help - GetMap request on featureCollection dataset failed on
> "
> can you try with the 4.3.17 release candidate at:
> ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/thredds/4.3/4.3.17/thredds.war
>> Frederic,
>> I've just tried to reproduce the issue you are seeing again, and I could
>> not. Everything seems to work as expected, using Tomcat 7.0.27 to serve TDS
>> 4.3.17 (current release candidate) on Windows 7. Are you still seeing this
>> issue?
>> -Lansing
>>> Dear support,
>>> I made many test case on different configurations (Windows and Linux) and i
>>> finaly identified the strange behaviour with the "featureCollection"
>>> dataset.
>>> Described bellow :
>>> 1 - Fresh install of tomcat7 and thredds_4.3.16 with the configuration i
>>> use (previously sended to you) : it Works.
>>> 2 - Stop tomcat ; Restart tomcat : The GetMap failed on several date (No
>>> data displayed in godiva client)
>>> 3 - Stop tomcat ; clear the ~tomcat7/content/thredds/cache/collection
>>> directory (rm *); Restart tomcat7 : it Works again.
>>> I played this test case in Tomcat7/WindowsXP and Tomcat7/debian64
>>> configuration with the same result. I hope that you will be able de
>>> reproduce it.
>>> Best regards.
>>> Frederic
>>> ________________________________________
>>> De : Frederic BONNEAUDEAU
>>> Envoyé : samedi 6 avril 2013 08:17
>>> À : address@hidden
>>> Objet : RE:[THREDDS #BEQ-669858]: Help - GetMap request on
>>> featureCollection dataset failed on "
>>> Thank you for the information, i will continue my investigations and keep
>>> you informed.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Frederic
>>> ________________________________________
>>> De : Unidata THREDDS Support [address@hidden]
>>> Envoyé : vendredi 5 avril 2013 21:44
>>> À : Frederic BONNEAUDEAU
>>> Cc : address@hidden; Frederic BONNEAUDEAU
>>> Objet : [THREDDS #BEQ-669858]: Help - GetMap request on featureCollection
>>> dataset failed on "
>>> Frederic,
>>> I am using:
>>> Windows 7 Professional (64 bit)
>>> Apache-Tomcat 7.0.35
>>> jdk1.7.0_07
>>> jre7
>>> -Lansing
>>> On 4/4/2013 10:53 PM, Frederic BONNEAUDEAU wrote:
>>>> New Client Reply: Help - GetMap request on featureCollection dataset
>>>> failed on "
>>>> Hello Support,
>>>> Thank you for your answer. It seems to be a twisted configuration issue.
>>>> Would you tell me on which OS you try to reproduce my issue (Lunix/Windows
>>>> version, 32/64) and JDK (or OpenJDK) version used for tomcat runtime.
>>>> I suspect a JVM issue on my debian and would try with the same
>>>> configuration you used.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> De : Unidata THREDDS Support [address@hidden]
>>>> Envoyé : mardi 2 avril 2013 21:50
>>>> À : Frederic BONNEAUDEAU
>>>> Cc : address@hidden
>>>> Objet : [THREDDS #BEQ-669858]: Help - GetMap request on featureCollection
>>>> dataset failed on "
>>>> Hello Frederic,
>>>> Unfortunately, I have been unable to reproduce the error you have
>>>> observed. I am using your catalog (with appropriate paths) and the single
>>>> data file you sent me. I have viewed the variables in the file using
>>>> Godiva2, generated animations, etc. without issue. For the record, I am
>>>> using apache-tomcat-7.0.27, but I also was able to use
>>>> apache-tomcat-6.0.35 without issue .
>>>> If you can provide any additional information about the conditions
>>>> surrounding the error, we could try again to see what you are seeing.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Lansing Madry
>>>> Unidata
>>>> Boulder, Colorado
>>>>> Good Morning Support,
>>>>> Did you succeed to reproduce the issue i logged, or do you miss some
>>>>> extra information ?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Frederic.
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> De : Frederic BONNEAUDEAU
>>>>> Envoyé : samedi 23 mars 2013 09:56
>>>>> À : address@hidden
>>>>> Objet : RE:[THREDDS #BEQ-669858]: Help - GetMap request on
>>>>> featureCollection dataset failed on "
>>>>> Good Morning Support,
>>>>> Thank you for your quick answer.
>>>>> To anwser your question, there was only one file in the collection for
>>>>> the test case i ran (the file i send).
>>>>> As i was getting troubles, i have reduced the complexity of my test case
>>>>> by including only one file in the collection (that has produced the same
>>>>> issue "Invalid Range exception").
>>>>> My test case Walkthrough :
>>>>> 1 - Stop tomcat6
>>>>> 2 - Update the catalog.xml file to keep only one "featureCollection" in
>>>>> configuration
>>>>> 3 - Copy only one file in the collection directory
>>>>> 4 - Remove all log files
>>>>> 5 - Start tomcat6
>>>>> 6 - http://localhost:8080/thredds
>>>>> 7 - Click on "Best Tile series"
>>>>> 8 - Check the dataset with godiva2
>>>>> 9 - Notice & record the issue.
>>>>> May it can help.
>>>>> Let me know if you need more information.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> De : Unidata THREDDS Support [address@hidden]
>>>>> Envoyé : vendredi 22 mars 2013 17:50
>>>>> À : Frederic BONNEAUDEAU
>>>>> Cc : address@hidden
>>>>> Objet : [THREDDS #BEQ-669858]: Help - GetMap request on featureCollection
>>>>> dataset failed on "
>>>>> Good Morning Frederic,
>>>>> Thank you for packaging all of your log files so completely for us. We
>>>>> would like to trck down the bug you are seeing, which may involve WMS
>>>>> code. In order for us to track it down, we need more of the files in the
>>>>> collection, of which you sent us one. How large is the collection? It
>>>>> would be helpful if you could tar them up and send them to us.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Lansing Madry
>>>>> Unidata
>>>>> Boulder, Colorado
>>>>>> Full Name: frederic bonneaudeau
>>>>>> Email Address: address@hidden
>>>>>> Organization: Steria
>>>>>> Package Version: 4.3.16
>>>>>> Operating System: Debian 3.2.0-2-amd64
>>>>>> Hardware:
>>>>>> Description of problem: Hi,
>>>>>> I get some troubles trying to use the "featureCollection" dataset feature
>>>>>> of thredds server.
>>>>>> GetMap request failed for most of the "forcast_time" requested, throwing
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> "ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException : Illegal Range for dimension 0: last
>>>>>> requested 10 > max 8".
>>>>>> The issue occurs for all datasetTypes except "Files" datasetType, even
>>>>>> if i put only one file in the collection.
>>>>>> Can i get a little help (logs, conf and datas in attachment
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Ticket Details
>>>>> ===================
>>>>> Ticket ID: BEQ-669858
>>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>>> Priority: Normal
>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>> This email and any attachments may contain confidential information and
>>>>> intellectual property (including copyright material). It is only for the
>>>>> use of the addressee(s) in accordance with any instructions contained
>>>>> within it. If you are not the addressee, you are prohibited from copying,
>>>>> forwarding, disclosing, saving or otherwise using it in any way. If you
>>>>> receive this email in error, please immediately advise the sender and
>>>>> delete it. Steria may monitor the content of emails within its network to
>>>>> ensure compliance with its policies and procedures. Emails are
>>>>> susceptible to alteration and their integrity (including origin) cannot
>>>>> be assured. Steria shall not be liable for any modification to a message,
>>>>> or for messages falsely sent.
>>>> Ticket Details
>>>> ===================
>>>> Ticket ID: BEQ-669858
>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>> Priority: Normal
>>>> Status: Open
>>>> This email and any attachments may contain confidential information and
>>>> intellectual property (including copyright material). It is only for the
>>>> use of the addressee(s) in accordance with any instructions contained
>>>> within it. If you are not the addressee, you are prohibited from copying,
>>>> forwarding, disclosing, saving or otherwise using it in any way. If you
>>>> receive this email in error, please immediately advise the sender and
>>>> delete it. Steria may monitor the content of emails within its network to
>>>> ensure compliance with its policies and procedures. Emails are susceptible
>>>> to alteration and their integrity (including origin) cannot be assured.
>>>> Steria shall not be liable for any modification to a message, or for
>>>> messages falsely sent.
>>>> Ticket Details
>>>> ===================
>>>> Ticket ID: BEQ-669858
>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>> Priority: Normal
>>>> Status: Open
>>>> Link:
>>>> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=21791
>>> Ticket Details
>>> ===================
>>> Ticket ID: BEQ-669858
>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>> Priority: Normal
>>> Status: Open
>>> This email and any attachments may contain confidential information and
>>> intellectual property (including copyright material). It is only for the
>>> use of the addressee(s) in accordance with any instructions contained
>>> within it. If you are not the addressee, you are prohibited from copying,
>>> forwarding, disclosing, saving or otherwise using it in any way. If you
>>> receive this email in error, please immediately advise the sender and
>>> delete it. Steria may monitor the content of emails within its network to
>>> ensure compliance with its policies and procedures. Emails are susceptible
>>> to alteration and their integrity (including origin) cannot be assured.
>>> Steria shall not be liable for any modification to a message, or for
>>> messages falsely sent.
>> -Lansing Madry
>> Unidata
>> Boulder, Colorado> Frederic,
>> I've just tried to reproduce the issue you are seeing again, and I could
>> not. Everything seems to work as expected, using Tomcat 7.0.27 to serve TDS
>> 4.3.17 (current release candidate) on Windows 7. Are you still seeing this
>> issue?
>> -Lansing
>>> Dear support,
>>> I made many test case on different configurations (Windows and Linux) and i
>>> finaly identified the strange behaviour with the "featureCollection"
>>> dataset.
>>> Described bellow :
>>> 1 - Fresh install of tomcat7 and thredds_4.3.16 with the configuration i
>>> use (previously sended to you) : it Works.
>>> 2 - Stop tomcat ; Restart tomcat : The GetMap failed on several date (No
>>> data displayed in godiva client)
>>> 3 - Stop tomcat ; clear the ~tomcat7/content/thredds/cache/collection
>>> directory (rm *); Restart tomcat7 : it Works again.
>>> I played this test case in Tomcat7/WindowsXP and Tomcat7/debian64
>>> configuration with the same result. I hope that you will be able de
>>> reproduce it.
>>> Best regards.
>>> Frederic
>>> ________________________________________
>>> De : Frederic BONNEAUDEAU
>>> Envoyé : samedi 6 avril 2013 08:17
>>> À : address@hidden
>>> Objet : RE:[THREDDS #BEQ-669858]: Help - GetMap request on
>>> featureCollection dataset failed on "
>>> Thank you for the information, i will continue my investigations and keep
>>> you informed.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Frederic
>>> ________________________________________
>>> De : Unidata THREDDS Support [address@hidden]
>>> Envoyé : vendredi 5 avril 2013 21:44
>>> À : Frederic BONNEAUDEAU
>>> Cc : address@hidden; Frederic BONNEAUDEAU
>>> Objet : [THREDDS #BEQ-669858]: Help - GetMap request on featureCollection
>>> dataset failed on "
>>> Frederic,
>>> I am using:
>>> Windows 7 Professional (64 bit)
>>> Apache-Tomcat 7.0.35
>>> jdk1.7.0_07
>>> jre7
>>> -Lansing
>>> On 4/4/2013 10:53 PM, Frederic BONNEAUDEAU wrote:
>>>> New Client Reply: Help - GetMap request on featureCollection dataset
>>>> failed on "
>>>> Hello Support,
>>>> Thank you for your answer. It seems to be a twisted configuration issue.
>>>> Would you tell me on which OS you try to reproduce my issue (Lunix/Windows
>>>> version, 32/64) and JDK (or OpenJDK) version used for tomcat runtime.
>>>> I suspect a JVM issue on my debian and would try with the same
>>>> configuration you used.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> De : Unidata THREDDS Support [address@hidden]
>>>> Envoyé : mardi 2 avril 2013 21:50
>>>> À : Frederic BONNEAUDEAU
>>>> Cc : address@hidden
>>>> Objet : [THREDDS #BEQ-669858]: Help - GetMap request on featureCollection
>>>> dataset failed on "
>>>> Hello Frederic,
>>>> Unfortunately, I have been unable to reproduce the error you have
>>>> observed. I am using your catalog (with appropriate paths) and the single
>>>> data file you sent me. I have viewed the variables in the file using
>>>> Godiva2, generated animations, etc. without issue. For the record, I am
>>>> using apache-tomcat-7.0.27, but I also was able to use
>>>> apache-tomcat-6.0.35 without issue .
>>>> If you can provide any additional information about the conditions
>>>> surrounding the error, we could try again to see what you are seeing.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Lansing Madry
>>>> Unidata
>>>> Boulder, Colorado
>>>>> Good Morning Support,
>>>>> Did you succeed to reproduce the issue i logged, or do you miss some
>>>>> extra information ?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Frederic.
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> De : Frederic BONNEAUDEAU
>>>>> Envoyé : samedi 23 mars 2013 09:56
>>>>> À : address@hidden
>>>>> Objet : RE:[THREDDS #BEQ-669858]: Help - GetMap request on
>>>>> featureCollection dataset failed on "
>>>>> Good Morning Support,
>>>>> Thank you for your quick answer.
>>>>> To anwser your question, there was only one file in the collection for
>>>>> the test case i ran (the file i send).
>>>>> As i was getting troubles, i have reduced the complexity of my test case
>>>>> by including only one file in the collection (that has produced the same
>>>>> issue "Invalid Range exception").
>>>>> My test case Walkthrough :
>>>>> 1 - Stop tomcat6
>>>>> 2 - Update the catalog.xml file to keep only one "featureCollection" in
>>>>> configuration
>>>>> 3 - Copy only one file in the collection directory
>>>>> 4 - Remove all log files
>>>>> 5 - Start tomcat6
>>>>> 6 - http://localhost:8080/thredds
>>>>> 7 - Click on "Best Tile series"
>>>>> 8 - Check the dataset with godiva2
>>>>> 9 - Notice & record the issue.
>>>>> May it can help.
>>>>> Let me know if you need more information.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> De : Unidata THREDDS Support [address@hidden]
>>>>> Envoyé : vendredi 22 mars 2013 17:50
>>>>> À : Frederic BONNEAUDEAU
>>>>> Cc : address@hidden
>>>>> Objet : [THREDDS #BEQ-669858]: Help - GetMap request on featureCollection
>>>>> dataset failed on "
>>>>> Good Morning Frederic,
>>>>> Thank you for packaging all of your log files so completely for us. We
>>>>> would like to trck down the bug you are seeing, which may involve WMS
>>>>> code. In order for us to track it down, we need more of the files in the
>>>>> collection, of which you sent us one. How large is the collection? It
>>>>> would be helpful if you could tar them up and send them to us.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Lansing Madry
>>>>> Unidata
>>>>> Boulder, Colorado
>>>>>> Full Name: frederic bonneaudeau
>>>>>> Email Address: address@hidden
>>>>>> Organization: Steria
>>>>>> Package Version: 4.3.16
>>>>>> Operating System: Debian 3.2.0-2-amd64
>>>>>> Hardware:
>>>>>> Description of problem: Hi,
>>>>>> I get some troubles trying to use the "featureCollection" dataset feature
>>>>>> of thredds server.
>>>>>> GetMap request failed for most of the "forcast_time" requested, throwing
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> "ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException : Illegal Range for dimension 0: last
>>>>>> requested 10 > max 8".
>>>>>> The issue occurs for all datasetTypes except "Files" datasetType, even
>>>>>> if i put only one file in the collection.
>>>>>> Can i get a little help (logs, conf and datas in attachment
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Ticket Details
>>>>> ===================
>>>>> Ticket ID: BEQ-669858
>>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>>> Priority: Normal
>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>> This email and any attachments may contain confidential information and
>>>>> intellectual property (including copyright material). It is only for the
>>>>> use of the addressee(s) in accordance with any instructions contained
>>>>> within it. If you are not the addressee, you are prohibited from copying,
>>>>> forwarding, disclosing, saving or otherwise using it in any way. If you
>>>>> receive this email in error, please immediately advise the sender and
>>>>> delete it. Steria may monitor the content of emails within its network to
>>>>> ensure compliance with its policies and procedures. Emails are
>>>>> susceptible to alteration and their integrity (including origin) cannot
>>>>> be assured. Steria shall not be liable for any modification to a message,
>>>>> or for messages falsely sent.
>>>> Ticket Details
>>>> ===================
>>>> Ticket ID: BEQ-669858
>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>> Priority: Normal
>>>> Status: Open
>>>> This email and any attachments may contain confidential information and
>>>> intellectual property (including copyright material). It is only for the
>>>> use of the addressee(s) in accordance with any instructions contained
>>>> within it. If you are not the addressee, you are prohibited from copying,
>>>> forwarding, disclosing, saving or otherwise using it in any way. If you
>>>> receive this email in error, please immediately advise the sender and
>>>> delete it. Steria may monitor the content of emails within its network to
>>>> ensure compliance with its policies and procedures. Emails are susceptible
>>>> to alteration and their integrity (including origin) cannot be assured.
>>>> Steria shall not be liable for any modification to a message, or for
>>>> messages falsely sent.
>>>> Ticket Details
>>>> ===================
>>>> Ticket ID: BEQ-669858
>>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>>> Priority: Normal
>>>> Status: Open
>>>> Link:
>>>> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=21791
>>> Ticket Details
>>> ===================
>>> Ticket ID: BEQ-669858
>>> Department: Support THREDDS
>>> Priority: Normal
>>> Status: Open
>>> This email and any attachments may contain confidential information and
>>> intellectual property (including copyright material). It is only for the
>>> use of the addressee(s) in accordance with any instructions contained
>>> within it. If you are not the addressee, you are prohibited from copying,
>>> forwarding, disclosing, saving or otherwise using it in any way. If you
>>> receive this email in error, please immediately advise the sender and
>>> delete it. Steria may monitor the content of emails within its network to
>>> ensure compliance with its policies and procedures. Emails are susceptible
>>> to alteration and their integrity (including origin) cannot be assured.
>>> Steria shall not be liable for any modification to a message, or for
>>> messages falsely sent.
>> -Lansing Madry
>> Unidata
>> Boulder, Colorado
> Ticket Details
> ===================
> Ticket ID: BEQ-669858
> Department: Support THREDDS
> Priority: Critical
> Status: Closed
> Link:
> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=21791
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: BEQ-669858
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Critical
Status: Closed