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[NOAAPORT #LFM-252083]: NOAAport realignment
- Subject: [NOAAPORT #LFM-252083]: NOAAport realignment
- Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2020 12:43:16 -0600
Hi Pete,
> Ok, thanks, for the info and the reclassification to the right mailing list :)
No worries. It helps us to keep things a bit organized :-)
> Crazy about the smoke - GOES16 visible showing smoke over almost the entire
> western third of the CONUS. Yowza..
I have been monitoring the smoke plume movement and dispersion (or lack thereof)
by displaying loops of Channel 2 VIS imagery centered over Denver. The plumes
coming off of the various fires have shown up like wind socks making it very
easy to determine if my neighborhood will be inundated or will get spared.
Overnight, the smoke settles as the inversion develops, so that the air is
very pungent by morning. Several nights the smoke has been bad enough to
make me cough while indoors! I'll gladly give up the spectacular sunsets
and sun rises for some fresh air!
> Stay safe!
Thanks, I'm trying to! :-)
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: LFM-252083
Department: Support NOAAPORT
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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