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[McIDAS #FFQ-161405]: McIDAS-X IMGDISP Failing

Hi Justin,

> Sorry for the delay, had a plumbing issue at the house.

Bummer (been there)!  Hopefully everything is OK now!!

> I had a tip from
> Patrick over here at COMET and told me McIDAS really only likes the Rad and
> not the CMIP file which I also had in the directory.

Unidata McIDAS understands both the GRB-delivered and NOAAport-delivered
ABI imagery, so both should work for you IF you are running a new enough
version of Unidata McIDAS-X.

Support for the SCMI (Sectorized Cloud and Moisture Imagery; I think that
this is what you are referring to as CMIP) is via a different ADDE server
than the ones that support the GRB-delivered (and available from the PDA
and CLASS) images, so the DSSERVE command used to created the ADDE
dataset will be slightly different.  Instead of specifying ABIN as the
data type in your DSSERVE invocation, you would specify SCMI; everything
else will be the same.


- what version of Unidata McIDAS are you running (if, in fact, you are
  running Unidata McIDAS)?

  The latest that is available in the McIDAS Downloads section of the
  Unidata website is v2017d.  Actually, any v2017 version should work
  as long as it was not a pre-release.

- what is the output of 'env' run as the same user that you are running
  McIDAS-X as?

  I'd like to see this to better guide you through the question you ask

> I was able to get some images from the data now.

Very good.  I'm interested to see if my SCMI ADDE server works on the
CMIP images that you were trying previously.

> Thank you for your time in this and I appreciate the offer to come by and
> help, I might need that sometime as this is my first exposure to McIDAS-X.

No worries, and please let me know if a visit would be beneficial.

> One last question if you don't mind: since I don't have/can't find a
> mcidas.rc file how would I start one if I wanted to increase the default
> frame number?

To better guide you through changing the defaults for a McIDAS interactive
session, I really need to know the output of the 'env' command.  I also
would like to know what user you are running as (e.g., are you 'mcidas' or
are you some other user); what OS you are running under; what version of
Unidata McIDAS-X you are running; and possibly a few other things.


- .mcidasrc should be created in the user's HOME directory the first time
  that Unidata McIDAS-X is run (i.e., ~/.mcidasrc)

  If it is not being created, it should mean that the user does not have
  write permission in the HOME directory.  This seems unlikely to me, but
  I need more information to comment further.

- one can set the frame size each time that an interactive session is run
  by starting Unidata McIDAS with:

  mcidas -config

  This is useful (I use it all of the time), but it is most important to
  get to the bottom of the non-existence of a .mcidasrc file for you.

> Thanks again,

No worries.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FFQ-161405
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata 
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