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- Subject: [McIDAS #JGN-249914]: IMGMAKE
- Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2017 15:03:39 -0700
Hi Mike,
Yet another tweak for you to test:
<as 'mcidas'>
cd ~mcidas/mcidas2017/src
-- edit scmiaget.cp
change lines 617-625
/* <<<<< UPC mod 20171223 - size of line buffer must be large enough
to hold the maximum input and output line sizes >>>>> */
line_size = read.maxele * /* # elems in a image line */
read.bytppix + /* # bytes per element */
aradir[14]; /* length of line prefix */
line_size = max( line_size, bytes_per_line );
/* <<<<< UPC mod 20171223 - size of line buffer must be large enough
to hold the maximum input and output line sizes, AND factor
of 2 is to account for 4-byte ints vs 2-byte short >>>>> */
line_size = read.maxele * /* # elems in a image line */
read.bytppix + /* # bytes per element */
aradir[14]; /* length of line prefix */
line_size = 2 * max( line_size, bytes_per_line );
The changes are to update the documentation and multiply the final line_size
by 2.
-- save edit changes
make scmiaget && rm ~/bin/scmiaget && ln scmiaget ~/bin
I made the change on lead.unidata.ucar.edu and then IMGCOPYed each Mesoscale-1
band to a local dataset on my test machine as a test, and I had no problems.
I was going to put a new McIDAS-X/-XCD distribution out in the Downloads area
of our website for folks to grab, but I ran into a missing entry point that
is called by an updated routine in SSEC XCD v2017.2. I'll need to figure
out if I missed the code change somewhere (I don't think so), or if SSEC
released a broken version of XCD v2017.2. I did put out new distributions
of mcidasx2017.tar.gz and mcupdate.tar.gz, but I will need to yank them
as one can not build the XCD component because of the missing entry
Please let me know if the tweak in scmiaget.cp works for you.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JGN-249914
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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