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Hi Mike,

> I just ran into a weird problem and was hoping I could get you to take
> a look at it.
> At 15Z today, Mesoscale-1 was moved back to (I believe) its default
> position.  Since then, I've been having trouble plotting it in mcidas.
> For example:
> imgdisp.k NPGOESRL/MESO1C02 1 MAG=-2 LAT=39.1 75.0
> imgdisp.k: The portion of the image requested does not exist
> imgdisp.k: done
> Those coordinates are coming from the file name, that should be the
> center point.  A quick 'ncdump -h' of the data file confirms that.
> Now for the weird one, zoom out for perspective:
> MAP LALO 14; MAP L 14
> I'm attaching the image this makes.  At a glance, it looks like lat &
> lon are swapped.  The metadata in the netcdf file seems right, so I'm
> not sure what to make of it.  Mesoscale-2 works just fine.  Any
> thoughts?

I think that I have found the problem, and it is the omission of a single
'=' sign!

Do the following:

<as 'mcidas'>

cd ~mcidas/mcidas2017/src

-- edit scmiutil.c

   On line 1974 change:

        if ( diff_lon < 0 ) {                   /* grid origin east of lon_s  */


        if ( diff_lon <= 0 ) {                   /* grid origin east of lon_s  

   exit out of your editor saving changes

make libsdi.a scmiadir scmiaget && rm ~/bin/scmia* && ln scmiadir scmiaget ~/bin

I have made the change to scmiutil.c on lead.unidata.ucar.edu, and
the change will be in the v2017b release after I have included SSEC's
v2017.2 XCD mods.

Please let me know your results!


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Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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