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Hi Mike,

> I hope this doesn't come as a bother, but I was wondering if you had a
> better idea of when McIDAS 2017 might be close to release?

I am hoping for the end of next week, but I can guarantee before the
beginning of December.

> We're about to revisit GOES-16 development with McIDAS one last time
> before the GOES-East transition.  We're still using your pre-release
> version and it's working well.  But I know a few things weren't there
> yet and wasn't sure if anything else may be changing from the pre-release.

If I correctly understand your workflow, nothing I have been working on
will effect what you are doing.

re: Python "support" in McIDAS with lots of caveats
> Caveats assumed, this appears to be the road we'd like to go down.
> For the sake of planning ahead, do you happen to know if this will
> work with Python 3 or just 2?

Here is a line from the Python setup script provided by SSEC:

echo "Error: The McIDAS-X Python package is not compatible with Python 3.x"

Looks like their compatibility is just 2 :-(  I have to say that my best
guess is that this will change down the road (but no promises).

> As always thank you for all your help, it is greatly appreciated!

No worries.  Your feedback has been _very_ useful to me!


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JGN-249914
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: High
Status: Closed
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