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[McIDAS #GSA-478310]: ingesting mcidas area files in awips

Hi Justin,

> I wanted to inquire if you guys have had much success in ingesting mcidas
> area files (excluding UNWISC) in awips?

Hmm... Michael would know better, but my impression is that the only types
of AREA files that have been ingested are GOES image sectors we send
in the IDD UNIWISC feed, and NOAAPort GINI images that had been converted
into AREA format.  Testing with both of these two types of images
that I am aware of were done a couple/three years ago when we first
started playing with AWIPS-II.  Again, Michael would be the better source
for information on this.

> I have recently been attempting to set up a system for the visual display
> of the Himawari data sets in AWIPS have had partial success. The issue
> is there doesn't appear to be any consistency. I have taken the DAT
> files and converted them to McIDAS area format using IMGCOPY and then
> remapped them IMGREMAP using the native resolution and size. Sometimes
> the files display and sometimes they don't.

Do they display in McIDAS?  If yes, I would suspect something on the
AWIPS-II side; if no, then there must be something on the McIDAS side.

> I usually end up having to
> tweak the size and/or resolution and no one settings works for every
> file in a particular band... in other words its kind of random.

This would suggest that the issue is on the AWIPS-II side as McIDAS
shouldn't care about their size or resolution.

> I wasn't sure if this was a McIDAS config issue (I think I saw the
> new MUG fasttrack 2015v2 fixed some bugs with Himawari) on my end or
> possibly an AWIPS II bug in the McIDAS satellite plugin or just plain
> faulty configuration on my part.
> Any suggestions?

The first test that I would run would be to see if the IMGCOPYed/IMGREMAPped
images display correctly in McIDAS and/or the IDV.

Can you make a couple of the AREA file images that don't work for you
available to us so we can run testing here?


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: GSA-478310
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed