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[McIDAS #VSV-153140]: Mcidas xcd

Hi Heather,

> I got the ldm to run on my new decoding machine, using the data from my
> old ingest machine

Very good.

> (I still cannot get the new ingest machine to see my receiver!!).

We _really_ need to get to the bottom of why this is not working!
Here are some questions:

- which Ethernet interface is the Novra connected to?

- what are the specifics of this interface?

  I am looking for the output of 'ifconfig -a'.

- have you ever used 'tcpdump' to look at the raw traffic
  for an Ethernet interface?

  For instance, if your Novra is connected to eth1, then 'root'
  could sniff the activity on eth1 using 'tcpdump':

  tcpdump -i eth1

  NB: it may be necessary to install 'tcpdump' as 'root':

  yum install tcpdump

> I am getting these errors in my XCD_START.LOG:
> /usr/local/ldm/decoders/xcd_run: line 162: exec: ingebin.k: not found
> /usr/local/ldm/decoders/xcd_run: line 158: exec: ingetext.k: not found
> Now, I got xcd_run from /home/mcidas/mcidas2009/src/xcd_run
> It seems that I need mcidas-xcd in addition to mcidas-x and ldm-mcidas?
> I cannot find mcidas-xcd on unidata's site. Do I get it from SSEC?

XCD is part of the Unidata McIDAS-X distribution, but you need to build
it in addition to McIDAS-X:

cd ~mcidas/mcidas2009/src
make           <- makes McIDAS-X only


make mcx       <- makes McIDAS-X only


make all       <- makes McIDAS-X and McIDAS-XCD

make install.mcx
make install.all

> This says that I need to SSEC's version of mcidas to have mcidas-xcd!
> https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/mcidas/software/xcd/fastrack2014.1.html

Our license to distribute McIDAS allows us to bundle XCD (which _is_ a
separate package from SSEC) with our McIDAS distribution.

> Also:
> I am not getting anything written to my ldmd.log file. Is this correct?

No, it is not.

> It is in /usr/local/ldm/var/logs. It gets created when I start the ldm,
> but never gets written to.
> Please advise!

The most likely reason for no log messages being written to the LDM log
file is that SELINUX is setup to be in 'enforcing' mode.  We recommend
that sites put SELINUX into 'disabled' mode, or, if the can not, in
'permissive' mode.  

Changing the SELINUX setup is done in the /etc/selinux/config file:







After making this change, the easiest way to make it active is to

After this, please make sure that the copy of ldmd.log in the
~ldm/var/logs directory is owned by 'ldm', not 'root'.

> Thanks,

No worries.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: VSV-153140
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed