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[McIDAS #CTJ-586885]: Fwd: EFFRADVIS27APR20112025

Hi Rod,

> I see so for example the effective radius....
> See the attached files.
> The .ALT file are the latitudes
> Is pretty much 3714 and then goes to 3709


> (from left to right)

No, from top to bottom.  The "top" (most northern) latitude is 37.14.
The latitude in the row next step to the south is 37.09, ..., the
latitude for the southern most row is 22.27.

> so this is dx i suppose which is = -5

No, so dy (delta(lat)) is -0.05 degrees (going top to bottom) or 0.05
degrees going bottom to top.

> The .ALN file are the latitudes

No, they are the longitudes.

> Is pretty much from 9507 to 9502


> so this is dy I suppose is -5.

dx (delta(lon)) is -0.05 degrees going from west to east or
0.05 degrees going from east to west.

> Am I extrapolating these lat/long values correctly?


AXFORM - Converts a McIDAS Area file to ASCII or binary flat files
   AXFORM sarea file <keywords>
   sarea | digital area number
   file | output file; maximum of 100 characters; specify as a file name
          or a fully qualified path (directory and file name); do not
          include an extension with the file name; see the Remarks
   NAV=YES inc | produce .LAT/.LON data files with an element
                 increment; these files contain LAT/LON stored as
                 degrees*100 (2 bytes per element); the increment is the
                 the number of data elements associated with each LAT/LON
                 element (def=NO 1)
   AXFORM creates a set of files which contain data from sarea. These
   files maybe ported to other non-McIDAS systems. Data is represented
   as 2 dimensional arrays of binary or ASCII fields whose dimensions
   are those of the original sarea lines/elements.

   An ASCII output text file documents the format of the output data files.
   It contains a listing for each of the data files generated. Output files
   are assigned unique extensions:
     .HDR (header file) - This file contains ASCII text describing sarea
                          and the contents of the output data files.
     .nnn (data files) - These files contain binary data for a single
                         calibration of a specific band.
                         (nnn ranges from 001 to 999)
     .Ann (data files) - These files contain ASCII data for a single
                         calibration of a specific band.
                         (nn ranges from 01 to 99)
     .LAT (latitude file) - If NAV=YES, binary file contains a 2
                            dimensional array of latitudes corresponding
                            to the elements within the output data files.
     .LON (longitude file) - If NAV=YES, binary file contains a 2
                             dimensional array of longitudes corresponding
                             to the elements within the output data files.
     .ALT (latitude file) - If NAV=YES, ASCII file contains a 2
                            dimensional array of latitudes corresponding
                            to the elements within the output data files.
     .ALN (longitude file) - If NAV=YES, ASCII file contains a 2
                             dimensional array of longitudes corresponding
                             to the elements within the output data files.

> Are those
> supposedly 37.14 and 37.09 degrees lat and 95.07 and 95.02 degrees
> long respectively?



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(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CTJ-586885
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed