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[McIDAS #UHH-692431]: ADDE image server error messages

Hi Don,

> When a request is made by the IDV for an image, we try to distinguish
> whether the image is not available, or whether there was some other
> error (e.g. the server is down, etc).  We do this by checking the return
> message from the server (not really the best way, but the only way I can
> think of at present).  So far, we see the following:
> ADDE imgget server returns: "No images..." (not sure of the exact message)
> GINI server returns:  "There are no images that...."
> so we key on the string "no images" (case insensitive).  Could you go
> through the McIDAS-X image servers that you've written and send us a
> list of the range of messages that are sent when the request does not
> match an image?

Sure.  Here are the messages sent when no images meet the selection criteria:

nexradir.cp - There are no images that meet the selection criteria
giniadir.cp - There are no images that meet the selection criteria
nowradir.c  - There are no images that meet the selection criteria

That's it for the servers that I authored.  As you can see, my messages are,
at least, consistent :-)

A lot of the standard McIDAS and XRD servers also use a standard message:

nssxadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
airsadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
airxadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
amrradir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
amseadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
amsradir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
ashxadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
catgadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
kalpadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
maaaadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
maaadir.cp  - No images satisfy selection criteria
maadir.cp   - No images satisfy selection criteria
mod3adir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
mod4adir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
mod8adir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
modcadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
modiadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
modladir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
modradir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
modsadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
modvadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
modxadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
nssxadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
sminadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria
tminadir.cp - No images satisfy selection criteria

So, the question is if I should change the message used in the
three servers that I wrote?


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UHH-692431
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed