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[McIDAS #RTS-590397]: Reenviar: Re: Direccion de Tom Yoksas

Hi Hugo,

> Thanks very much for your prompt response and for this useful and
> clarifying explanation.

No worries.

> I am going to go through it carefully and will let you know if I
> encounter any problem.

Very good.

> My idea was to look at the image and see if I can distinguish terrain
> and certain features like large rivers after a flood and such in order
> to use this information along with a hydrological model that would be
> running at 1/8 degree or around 12km to look at extreme events (floods
> and droughts). I was planning on using ILWIS to have everything (images
> and model results) in the same resolution and domain and also because
> ILWIS allow me to write scripts to process model output and images
> automatically.  If McIDAS or other software can do part of the job of
> manipulating the image I may consider using them.  To start I will take
> a closer look at the McIDAS-V software that I have installed and then
> talk to Marcial about his experience with the other packages.

OK.  I think that you could do most, if not all, of what you want to
do using the IDV, McIDAS-V, or McIDAS-X.  What you prefer to use, of
course, is up to you.

> One thing I've been wondering by looking at the GIF that you sent me is
> that I thought that the resolution of the image of 2km would show great
> detail of the topography, but (obviating the problem with clouds)
> looking at the GIF it seems to me that this kind of images have the
> appearance that they are at a coarser resolution. It could be just a
> miss-perception associated with the resolution of the GIF VIS image too
> so I am not discarding the usefulness of the original data yet.

I think that you would get a lot more information from 1 km VIS images
from GOES, or the higher resolution from MODIS (250m).

> Anyway,
> I still would like to make color composites with the IR data to see if I
> can improve the visual definition of the images and I still will process
> this image to look at their potential following your instructions.

Very good.

> Vilma is out of town and will be back in a couple of weeks, I will ask
> her also about her experience with the files too.


> Do you know if there are higher resolution images for this region (free
> or not)? I did a search at
> http://www.class.ncdc.noaa.gov/saa/products/welcome but I am not sure
> this is the best place to look for this kind of data.

There are good resources for high resolution satellite imagery in real-time.
Finding a site that makes archived data available for free will be 

We maintain real-time ingesters for GOES-East and GOES-West.  The real-time
data from those systems is open to all via McIDAS ADDE transfer.  Given this,
you can use the IDV, McIDAS-V or McIDAS-X to get the high resolution images
that you will need for your stated research objective.  NOAA also operates
ADDE servers for real-time data for GOES (East and West), MTSAT (Japan),
FY2 (China), and the 6-hourly data from Meteosat (Europe).  NASA maintains
an ADDE server for MODIS (Aqua and Terra), so that real-time data is
also available for free.

> Thanks again for your kindly help.

No worries.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RTS-590397
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed