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[McIDAS #JBR-619818]: MOD03 ADDE Server Mod

Hi Tyn,

I made the v2009a addendum for Unidata McIDAS v2009 available this morning.
This addendum includes all of SSEC's v2009.2 modifications and Unidata
modifications.  In particular, it includes an updated version of the
MODIS MOD03 servers, mod3adir/mod3aget.  mod3adir was modified to include
auxiliary cards for calibrations other than RAW:

BRIT - brightness
LAT  - latitude
LON  - longitude
HGT  - height
SENZ - sensor zenith
SENA - sensor azimuth
SOLZ - solar zenith
SOLA - solar azimuth
LAND - land/sea mask
RANG - range

All of the "engineering unit" calibrations are scaled, signed values
that are turned back into floating point values by division by 
AREA directory word 59 (1-based).  The IDV does the scaling for
you, so you should be able to load values from the server and get
correct values from probes.

NB: mod3aget was modified to:

- only work on one band at a time

- correctly set the navigation directory value for the upper
  left most line,element so that McIDAS IMGPROBEs correctly
  list the LAT,LON of a pixel being interrogated

There are still some significant problems with mod3aget: in
particular, one can not do an IMGCOPY to an AREA dataset and
then use that image correctly.  Since this is an XRD routine,
I figured that this was not a high priority item to fix (but
let me know if you think that it is).

The modified code can be loaded in two ways:

- download the entire distribution source file; extract all
  of the code; and rebuild the X and XRD executables

- download the update file, mcupdate.tar.gz, into the
  ~mcidas/mcidas2009/update directory; extract the modified
  routines using 'mcupdate'; and (re)build executables.  This
  is probably the easiest thing to do:

<as 'mcidas'>
cd ~mcidas/mcidas2009/update
ftp ftp.unidata.ucar.edu
  cd unix/2009/bugfix
  get mcupdate.tar.gz
  get mcupdate.list.2009a
  get mcupdate
chmod +x mcupdate
cd ../src
make xcd xrd
make install.xcd install.xrd

Please let me know if you run into any snags.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JBR-619818
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed