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[McIDAS #FDU-863429]: BOWTIE and others
- Subject: [McIDAS #FDU-863429]: BOWTIE and others
- Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2008 08:31:35 -0600
Hi Tyn,
> Ha, thanks Tom ;-)
No worries.
re: modradir/modraget
> I assume this it the Surface Reflectance stuff (atmospherically
> corrected MODIS visible)?
Here is the snippit regarding MODR from the SSEC v2008 User's Guide page on
You can access MODIS Level 2 MOD04 (aerosol), MOD28 (sea surface
temperature), and
MODR (corrected reflectance) products in HDF format with the IMG* commands by
DSSERVE to assign a dataset name to the files. When doing so, specify "MOD4"
MOD04 aerosol products), "MOD8" (for MOD28 sea surface temperature products),
"MODR" (for MODR corrected reflectance products) in the format parameter,
and the directory and file masks in the DIRFILE keyword.
Again, I had to copy the SSEC v2008 source modradir.cp and modraget.cp to my
distribution to get you these servers. Whether or not doing this will result in
fully functional servers is unknown. I believe, however, that I made the
changes to files needed:
- opy modradir.cp and modraget.cp to ~mcidas/mcidas2007/src
- modify makefile and modx.h
- incorporate SSEC v2008 SATBAND entries into v2007j
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FDU-863429
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed