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[McIDAS #ULJ-780808]: GOES 10 data on west server

Hi Fred,

Again, sorry for the delay in responding...

> Since the problems with GOES-12, my GOES-west data has been quite
> unstable with missing data, etc. In looking at the ADDE west server at
> unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu, I found both GOES-11 and GOES-10 data mixed
> together.

Weird to say the least.  I am baffled as to why the East satellite data
would make it into the WEST server -- the ADDE setup for the data
should not allow this.  The only thing left is some configuration on
the SSEC GOES-11 ingest machine, and that is a box that I do not have
access to.

> The east server just has old GOES-12 data from before the
> problems.  Having both GOES-11 and 10 on the same west server is causing
> me problems, in that my access macros assume west data on the west
> server.  The macros only check for time, they don't check for id.  The
> net result is that for the west data mosaics, the data it thinks is west
> is actually east data and is remapped into the eastern section of the
> mosaic leaving a big blank in the west portion of the mosaic.

I apologize for the snafu.

> Was the GOES-10 put on the west server on purpose, or should it have
> been on the east server? Could the GOES-10 data be taken off the west
> server?

GOES-10 data should have been started coming through the EAST SDI
ingester as NOAA was using GOES-10 in replacement for GOES-12.  The
situation should have been rectified this morning when NOAA restarted
operational scanning from GOES-12; I see that Unidata-Wisconsin
images now (15:45, at least) contain GOES-12 data in the northern
section and GOES-10 in the southern part (ADDE dataset RTIMAGES, descriptors
GE-VIS, GE-39, GE-WV, GE-IR, and GE-CO2).

Please let me know if your problems with the WEST server continue or
were remedied by the return of GOES-12 to operational service.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ULJ-780808
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed