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[McIDAS #HZP-657281]: Moving McIDAS-XCD server
- Subject: [McIDAS #HZP-657281]: Moving McIDAS-XCD server
- Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 17:36:20 -0600
Hi Hsie,
> I think your environmental variable "MYSQL" point to the wrong place, if
> you are trying to recompile McIDAS. The old one is point to /usr/sfw.
> It should point to /usr/local/mysql ( I already correct it).
I tried using 'MYSQL="-mysql=/usr/local/mysql"' right after seeing your message
that you had installed the 64-bit version of MySQL, but I ran into complaints
about not being able to find some MySQL header files. I thought that this was
basically saying that the development environment needed for compiling the
McIDAS code that accesses MySQL was not installed, so I reverted to trying
to use the include files in /opt/sfw/mysql. In that setup, I found some other
things that needed tweaking in makefile and mccompl.sh. Evidently the changes
I made were sufficient to build using the MySQL installation under
I have rebuilt and installed McIDAS-X/-XCD using the change you made to the
environment variable:
<as 'mcidas'>
cd ~mcidas/mcidas2007/src
source ~/cshrc.solarisx86_64
make clobber
make all && make install.all
deleted and remade the MySQL database:
gribadmin removedb
gribadmin makedb
and stopped/restarted the LDM:
ldmadmin stop
ldmadmin start
The GRIB data in the HRS datastream is now being processed correctly and stored
in the MySQL database (the database actually only stores metadata; the GRIB
messages themselves are being written to /home/mcidas/savedata/grib).
By the way, I modified the request line in ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf to request the
NOAAPORT NGRID data, but apparently blizzard.al.noaa.gov is not receiving this
datasetream. Can you start requesting this data on blizzard so that it can be
processed on stratus? Thanks in advance...
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HZP-657281
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed