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[McIDAS #HZP-657281]: Moving McIDAS-XCD server

Hi Hsie,

> I install the 64-bit MySQL under /usr/local/mysql.  I regenerated the
> database.  How can I find out the GRIB data is stored or not?

I have been working on stratus since first seeing this message.  I am trying
to get a clean build using the 64-bit installation of MySQL that you made, but
I am having problems...  With several modifications (to makefile and mccomp.sh)
I was able to get McIDAS-X/-XCD to build, but the grib filer, DMBIN (dmbin.k),
dumps core almost immediately after starting up.  Some GRIB messages have been
processed, but the code is not yet stable.

I believe that part of the problem comes from there being both a 64-bit and
32-bit installation of MySQL.  It may be the case that the MySQL include files
that are being used have definitions that are specific to the 32-bit 
This "feels" like what is going on since the errors being seen are segmentation
violations which would make sense if a variable being used was mistyped.

We may be forced into:

- removing the 32-bit MySQL installation entirely
- downloading and installing the MySQL development environment so that all of
  the MySQL stuff is available under /usr/local/mysql
- rebuilding McIDAS to see if the segmentation violation goes away

I will write more as I learn what is going on...


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HZP-657281
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed