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[McIDAS #UUT-396434]: Can McIDAS read BUFR or HDF?

Hi Kong,

> This is Kwan at CCNY.  Recently, I have been working on
> installing a model called RDT (Rapidly Intensifying
> Thunderstorms) which output its results in BUFR format.
> In addition, a converter from BUFR to HDF is also
> available.  I am not familiar with both of these file
> formats, and would like to know if I can use McIDAS to
> view these output files.

McIDAS does not (yet) do much with BUFR formatted files.  It can
read certain types of HDF files, but this is mainly for image
data (e.g., AIRS and MODIS).  Please review the Unidata McIDAS
User's Guide (or online HELP) for the DSSERVE command for more
information on creating ADDE datasets from HDF data.

> Again, I appreciate your advises.

No worries.

By the way, if you are working with model output, you will probably
want to investigate the use of either/both the IDV or GEMPAK.  Both
packages support access to BUFR data.  And, GEMPAK is really good
for working with model data.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UUT-396434
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed