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[McIDAS #ZLP-298012]: Rotating Globe Movie
- Subject: [McIDAS #ZLP-298012]: Rotating Globe Movie
- Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 13:35:37 -0600
Hi Oana,
I got the following back from the creator of the rotating globe demo
seen at: http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/data/composites.html
Here is what he (Rick Kohrs) had to say:
You can start by directing the user to my paper from the 2006 AMS
This will lay the ground work for creating the image. Also, McIDAS 2006
should (has not completed testing yet) include my new application that
combines the images (IMGRGB).
Here's the location of the basemaps I use:
In a nut shell, I use IMGREMAP to remap all the GEO images in to a
rectilinear projection and use IMGOPER with FORM=CMIN to combine the
images and to attach the correct calibration. I have been using GFS
model data for surface temperatures.
To create the spinning globe, I use the old trick of poking word 70
(value = 0 to 3600000) of a meteosat-7 image:
I remap the R, G and B areas created by IMGRGB into the meteosat
If the user is fairly McIDAS savvy, the above information should get
them on the right track.
The "old trick of poking word 70 of a meteosat-7 image" is the same
thing that is done in the rotating globe McBASI script, GLOBLOOP.MCB,
so there is no mystery in how to rotate the globe.
The fantastic displays that Rick creates are a function of how he
combines various images with the "background" imagery (e.g., land
use images, topography, etc.). I, for one, was happy to see Rick's
comment that the McIDAS program he wrote (IMGRGB) is scheduled to
be included in the v2006 McIDAS-X distribution.
The only thing that Rick's note did not touch on was turning the
rasters of each frame (GIF?) into a QuickTime movie. There are,
however, undoubtedly lots of procedures out there for doing this.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZLP-298012
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed