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20041212: wavelet decompression ADDE server code

>From:  "Valentijn Venus" <address@hidden>
>Organization:  ITC
>Keywords:  200412121854.iBCIsXlI001486 McIDAS ADDE MSG Wavlet compression

Hi Valentijn,

>Tom, do you have the latest msg server code, i saw that the people at
>Winsconsin made the follwoing improvements (22 October):
>*      updated MSG servers to allow multi-band requests in IMGCOPY [12597] 
>*      added EUMETSAT's suggested MSG visible calibration fix [12672] 

The 12597 inquiry mods are included in the current Unidata McIDAS distribution.

The 12672 inquiry mod was included in the SSEC v2004a addendum, but
it has not been included in the Unidata distribution (yet).

I just read the inquiry (from Marianne Koenig to SSEC/MUG), and the
modification is trivial, add one line in kbxmsg.dlm.

At line 151 of ~mcidas/mcidas2004/kbxmsg.dlm you should find the line:


Change this to:

IF (XTEMP.LT.0.0) XTEMP = 0.0

After making the editing change, rebuild McIDAS using:

<as 'mcidas'>

cd mcidas2004/src
make                          <- using vendor-supplied compilers
 -- or --  
make VENDOR=-g77              <- using gcc/g77 on systems where this
                                 combination is not 'vendor' (e.g., Sun,
                                 HP-UX, IRIX, OSF/1).

If you are on a system like Linux, typing 'make' or 'make VENDOR=-g77'
are equivalent.

After the rebuild, reinstall the binaries:

make install.bin

>From: Valentijn Venus
>Sent: Thu 12/9/2004 23:40
>To: Tom Yoksas
>Subject: wavelet decompression ADDE server code

>Hi Tom,
>Update: there is another product made available by EUMETSAT (open-source) to
>decompress the images, which you can find at:


>This archive contains the source-code for the xRITDecompress tool. The tool
>can be build under Windows and Linux (see build instructionsinn included

Thanks for the update.  I just FTPed the file and will take a look
as soon as I can.

>Just to complicate matters, but yet more challenging!, first a few details of
>my setup. The compressed files are stored on a Windows share (NTFS), which
>needles to say doesn't allow symbolic references to a Linux formatted drive.

Right.  You can access the Windows shared drive using Samba, can't you?

>i can add an additional drive or RAM-drive to my ADDE server (Fedora distro)
>that could temporarily contain the uncompressed output from
>xRITDecompress tool, and also the prologue and epilogue files that come
>with the Meteosat-8 wavelet compressed files, which i believe are neeeded
>for McIDAS to make a listing of available images in that ADDE group.


>However, once the user tells McIDAS to get and load a certain scene from
>that listing, the xRITDecompress tool should be triggered to read the
>associated XRIT-compressed files from the Windows share, and output
>the uncompressed data to the local (RAM) drive where also the prologue and
>epilogue files reside. McIDAS should then be 'fooled' in believing it is
>shouldn't try to read the data too fast, to allow the xRITDecompress tool
>to complete its tasks to avoid possible timing issues.

This sounds complicated.  I will have to work my through the procedure/data
before being able to make an intelligent comment.

>Example data you can find at


>under HRIT (unencrypted), and the wavelet compressed data in the
>above-referenced archive under \TestData.

OK, thanks for the pointer.

>We'll, that were my 2 cents. But i'm happy with any working alternative.
>I recall you told me once before, but could you send me the e-mail address
>of the person at Winsconsin responsible for granting access to GMS-5 ADDE
>data, since i have a Chinese PhD student coming over next week.

Sorry for the delay.



>From: Tom Yoksas [mailto:address@hidden]
>Sent: Tue 11/2/2004 21:27
>To: Valentijn Venus
>Cc: Tom Yoksas
>Subject: 20041028: NASA request for proposals (cont.)
>>From:  "Valentijn Venus" <address@hidden>
>>Keywords:  200410280726.i9S7Q2vV015003 McIDAS MSG wavlet
>Hi Venus,
>I know it must seem like I am ignoring your emails, but I just finished
>putting on this year's McIDAS workshop, helping out in the LDM workshop,
>writing two papers for the AMS conference, and creating a PowerPoint
>presentation for a trip for Chile (that I leave for on Saturday).
>>can you try to find time to repsond to my message included below?
>OK.  The questions are:
>>When will you be able to look into adding that wavelet decompression
>>part to the ADDE server code?
>I will be in Chile for one week, and then in Barbados until November
>24 (both trips are for work), so I won't be able to look at what
>it will take to write an ADDE server for wavelet-compressed MSG
>data until about the beginning of December.
>>If succesful, how well does McIDAS
>>interface with such a fortran developed model (runtime). Would it be
>>possible to do this at pixel level?
>I don't know how to respond to this since I don't have a clear idea of
>what data would McIDAS would be run on.  If the model output is GRIB
>data, then the XCD portion of McIDAS (or the gribdec.tar.Z bundle of
>the code that I make available) might be used to bring the model data
>into McIDAS.  The McIDAS GRDIMG (or GRIB2IMG) command could then
>convert the model data into an image so one could use IMGOPER to create
>Is this what you had in mind?
>>>Van: Tom Yoksas [mailto:address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden
> u> 
>><mailto:address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden> > ]
>>>Verzonden: wo 8/18/2004 21:26
>>>Aan: Valentijn Venus
>>>CC: address@hidden; Harald van der Werff;
>>> .edu
>>>Onderwerp: 20040818: MSG-1 through ADDE (cont.)
>>>>From:  "Valentijn Venus" <address@hidden>
>>>>Organization:  ITC
>>>>Keywords:  200408161528.i7GFScaW025855
>>>Hi Valentijn,
>>>I just wanted to let you know that I received your email pointing
>>>me to the wavelet code.  I will try to make some time to look into
>>>the effort it would take to incorporate the decompression into
>>>the MSG server, but this will probably have to wait until  I return
>>>from Brazil.
>>>One thing that I need to know, however.  You note:
>>>"The licensing
>>>agreement that we signed allows use for non-commercial and educational
>>>purposes only."
>>>Does your license then give me a right to look at the code and
>>>incorporate it into the Unidata McIDAS releaes?  Or, do I need to
>>>follow the same path and sign a license agreement with EUMETSAT?
>>>>Clicking the following url
> blicDecompWT.zip> 
> icDecompWT.zip> > ) will provide you the
>>>>sources and documentation to the Public Decompress Wavelet Transform
>>>>library produced by VCS and published by EUMETSAT. The licensing
>>>>agreement that we signed allows use for non-commercial and educational
>>>>purposes only. The example provided in this WinZip archive is may not
>>>>usefull. Another, more ellaborate example is provided in the MSG
>>>>HRIT/LRIT code (http://meteosatlib.sourceforge.net/ 
> eforge.net/> 
>><http://meteosatlib.sourceforge.net/ <http://meteosatlib.sourceforge.net/> > 
> which depends on
>>>>the same library for the MSG image decompression.
>>>>Let me know if you need more help...
>>>>From: Valentijn Venus=3D20
>>>>Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 10:13 PM
>>>>To: Unidata Support
>>>>Cc: address@hidden; Harald van der Werff;
>>>>Subject: RE: 20040809: MSG-1 through ADDE (cont.)
>>>>for your convenience i'v included a better (easier) link to the set of
>>>>example msg-1 data:
> metsat.org/WEBOPS/msg_images/20030509/=3D20> 
> etsat.org/WEBOPS/msg_images/20030509/=3D20> >=20
>>>>Don't bother about the "msg1_native.nat.bz2", which is the format
>>>>Marianne is working with. The notes that EUMETSAT provides with the
>>>>are included below:
>>>>HRIT (unencrypted)
>>>>Each of these files has been bzip2
> dex.html> > >  compressed and contains
>>>>identical prologue and epilogue files (the prologue and epilogue files
>>>>can be overwritten if all files are extracted into a single
>>>>Note that matching JPEG files are available above. =3D20
>>>>From: Valentijn Venus
>>>>Sent: Fri 8/13/2004 21:59
>>>>To: Valentijn Venus; Unidata Support
>>>>Cc: address@hidden; Harald van der Werff;
>>>>Subject: RE: 20040809: MSG-1 through ADDE (cont.)
>>>>Hi Tom,
>>>>just got word from a Cuban student a tornadao heading for the States
>>>>some serious damage to their Island. McIDAS provided proof of the
>>>>Wonderful to have such a system in place!
>>>>My problems with our MSG ADDE server disappeared partially after
>>>>COMPRESS=3D3Dnone, and fully after equipping a faster machine with
>>>>This answers my former questions, but a new one of more serious nature
>>>>arised (i think). When displaying an image, the frame in question
>>>>just the metadata (sensor name, time of observation, etc.). The image
>>>>itself is not displayed. I believe it has to do with the fact that the
>>>>EUMETCAST data is compressed using a proprietary wavelet transform. We
>>>>have the sources (in c) from EUMETSAT to decompress them, and after
>>>>looking in the MSGT server-files i found no similair occurences of the
>>>>Miguel Angel told me the other day that they first decompress the
>>>>segmented files, and then serve them to through their homebuild MSG
>>>>server. This would however increase our storage requirements
>>>>The example data provided at
> etsat.de/en/dps/news/msg-1_rect_image.html#hrit> 
> tsat.de/en/dps/news/msg-1_rect_image.html#hrit> >=20
> tsat.de/en/dps/news/msg-1_rect_image.html#hrit> > >  has
>>>>same compression applied i believe. Please let me know your thoughts
>>>>From: Valentijn Venus
>>>>Sent: Tue 8/10/2004 17:02
>>>>To: Unidata Support
>>>>Cc: address@hidden
>>>>Subject: RE: 20040809: MSG-1 through ADDE (cont.)
>>>>So my questions are:
>>>>-Do you observe the same problem with the "Work" and "Doesn't work"
>>>>MSG-1 datasets on your McIDAS system?
>>>>-Are other developers of McIDAS (e.g. those who worked on the MSG
>>>>aware of the problem, and possibly willing to find a solution?
>>>>-If negative, would you be willing to adjust the MSGX bit to get it to
>>>>work for the "Doesn't work" set of example data?
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Valentijn Venus
>>>>Sent: Tue 8/10/2004 16:49
>>>>To: Unidata Support
>>>>Cc: address@hidden
>>>>Subject: RE: 20040809: MSG-1 through ADDE (cont.)
>>>>Hi Tom,
>>>>i believe i've found the problem. The format we receieve is XRIT
>>>>(so the MSGT argument should work), but along the way EUMETCAST has
>>>>a change in the segmentation. E.g. the HRV 11134 segments were devided
>>>>over 174 files, whereas the more recent segmentation sceme devides
>>>>over only 24 files. You can download corresponding sets of example
>>>>at the following adresses
> swww.eumetsat.org/WEBOPS/msg_images/msg1_hrit_c12.tar.bz2> 
> www.eumetsat.org/WEBOPS/msg_images/msg1_hrit_c12.tar.bz2> >
>>>>Doesn't work:
> //oiswww.eumetsat.org/WEBOPS/msg_images/20030509/msg1_hrit_ch12.t> 
>>>>.bz2 (40.3 mb)
>>>>The McIDAS commands below seem to work with the "Works" dataset:
>>>>DIRFILE=3D3D/home/mcidas/data/msg/*/*/*/H*{HRV,EPI,PRO}* "High
>>>>visible channel (band 12).
>>>>resolution visible and infrared channel (bands 1-11).
>>>>INFO=3D3D/home/mcidas/data/msg/2004/08/08/H*MSG1*ADMIN* "METEOSAT-8
>>>>Administration Message.
>>>>Cheers! Valentijn
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Unidata Support [mailto:address@hidden <mailto:support@unidat
> a.ucar.edu> 
>><mailto:address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden> > ]
>>>>Sent: Mon 8/9/2004 22:09
>>>>To: Valentijn Venus
>>>>Cc: address@hidden
>>>>Subject: 20040809: MSG-1 through ADDE (cont.)
>>>>>From: "Valentijn Venus" <address@hidden>
>>>>>Organization: ?
>>>>>Keywords: 200408050006.i7506ZaW006360 McIDAS MSG
>>>>Hi Valentijn,
>>>>Well, after three abstracts and a LOT of other stuff, I finally have
>>>>to get to your inquiry.  Sorry for the wait...
>>>>>another message to keep you up-to-date on my  latest developments. at
>>>>>moment the ADDE server is working well using a sample of MSG-1 images
>>>>>provided by EUMETSAT.
>>>>Which format are you using?  The McIDAS-X distribution supports two
>>>>different file types for MSG data through two different servers:
>>>>msgtadir.cp -- XRIT
>>>>msgtaget.cp -- XRIT
>>>>msgxadir.cp -- ?? (native?)
>>>>msgxaget.cp -- ?? (native?)
>>>>>The HRV data (band 12) are unencrypted and in Native format, and
>>>>>2003/12/12 13.30 consists of 176 segmented files (excl. PRO and PERI
>>>>>A similair scene as we receive it contain only 24 (much bigger)
>>>>>(filenaming looks similair), and when i try to serve this McIDAS
>>>>>tere are no bands/data in the group.
>>>>>Have you ever encountered this problem?
>>>>No, I havn't.  I must add that I have not played around with the MSG
>>>>data all that much, so my not having experienced the problem you are
>>>>seeing means little or nothing.
>>>>>From: "Valentijn Venus" <address@hidden>
>>>>>Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 23:46:32 +0200
>>>>>Btw, how is McIDAS compiling in 64-bit for an AMD64 system?
>>>>I built McIDAS on our dual Opteron 64-bit machine back in late
>>>>July and had no problems that I can recall.  We have not keep this
>>>>around for testing since we have been experimenting with different
>>>>on the box (Fedora Core 1 for 64 bit; FreeBSD 5.2).
>>>>>From: Valentijn Venus
>>>>>Sent: Wed 8/4/2004 23:36
>>>>>If i understood well the 2004 McIDAS upgrade will read the raw,
>>>>>METEOSAT 8 files. These we receive from EUMETSAT by a satellite dish
>>>>>on the top of our roof.
>>>>Is this through EUMETCAST?
>>>>>The server runs on a  Windows XP OS and stores the
>>>>>segmented files received through a DVB system on a shared drive.
>>>>OK.  I have had two meeting with Volker Gartner, Head of EUMETSAT User
>>>>Services, about setting up an ADDE server for the METEOSAT data at
>>>>EUMETSAT.  The idea is to get the folks at EUMETSAT using remote
>>>>methods first, then get the member state's researchers interested, and
>>>>then see if the service could be opened up.  There are many steps and
>>>>pitfalls between the first effort and the goal, but I am hopeful that
>>>>we can make progress.
>>>>>since i
>>>>>won't be able to participate in this years Workshop, i'm looking for
>>>>>documentation/guidance on how to set up an ADDE server for MSG-1 for
>>>>>research/educational use.
>>>>I think another of your emails shows that you got past this point even
>>>>though your earlier email showed a bit of a misunderstanding:
>>>>>>Just added a couple of EUMESAT MSG-1 images using:
>>>>OK, this creates the dataset with group name MSG and descriptor HRV.
>>>>>>McIDAS tells me the command completed succesfully. The i added the
>>>>ADDE to
>>>>>>the client routing table using:
>>>>Two things:
>>>>- if you created the dataset locally, then you don't have to run
>>>>  to locate it -- unless -- you want to access it through the remote
>>>>  ADDE server interface
>>>>- since the dataset you created has group name MSG, the DATALOC
>>>>  command would be:
>>>>  This also assumes that the fully qualified hostname of the ADDE
>>>>  server machine is ADDESERVER.ITC.NL.
>>>>>>Then i tried to display the data using:
>>>>The first thing to do is verify that the ADDE group name is recognized
>>>>by the server:
>>>>If these return nothing, then you are asking for the wrong ADDE
>>>>>I could send you some sample files if that helps...
>>>>At some point, I wouldn't mind getting sets of example data that works
>>>>and doesn't work so I can better understand the formats.
>>>>>I also came across a message in the archive that mentioned a way to
>>>>>calculate satellite and sun angles for METEOSAT data (by Miguel
>>>>>I would very much appreciate it for some radiative transfer
>>>>Yes.  I believe that he sent along the program in his email.  If
>>>>he didn't, it might be best to contact him directly to get his latest
>>>>version of the code.
>>>>>>Also an updated DATALOC listing (ADDELIST.TXT) would be very
>>>>What would be more useful is the URL for the list of Publically
>>>>ADDE servers:
> my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/mcidas/adde_servers.html> 
> y.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/mcidas/adde_servers.html> >=20
>>>>Sending you the contents of ADDESITE.TXT would not give you a complete
>>>>listing of what servers are out there.
>>>>Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata
>>>>(303)497-8643                                                  P.O.
>>>>address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO
>>>>Unidata WWW Service
> t/support> 
>>>>NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in
>>>>Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publically available
>>>>through the web.  If you do not want to have your interactions made
>>>>available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to
>>>>Content-Type: text/x-vcard;
>>>>       name=3D"Valentijn Venus.vcf"
>>>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
>>>>Content-Description: Valentijn Venus.vcf
>>>>Content-Disposition: attachment;
>>>>       filename=3D"Valentijn Venus.vcf"
>>> +
>>>* Tom Yoksas                                             UCAR Unidata
>>> *
>>>* (303) 497-8642 (last resort)                                  P.O.
>>Box 3000
>>> *
>>>* address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO
>>> *
>>>* Unidata WWW Service
>>http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/ <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/>  
> a.ucar.edu/ <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/> >=20
>>> *
>>> +
>>* Tom Yoksas                                             UCAR Unidata
>>Program *
>>* (303) 497-8642 (last resort)                                  P.O. Box
>>3000 *
>>* address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO
>>80307 *
>>* Unidata WWW Service
>>http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/* <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*>  
> ata.ucar.edu/* <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*> >=20
>>Content-Type: text/html;
>>       charset="us-ascii"
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
>><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>20040916: NASA request for proposals</TITLE>
>><META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
>><META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.3790.1218" name=3DGENERATOR></HEAD>
>><DIV dir=3Dltr align=3Dleft><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =
>><DIV dir=3Dltr align=3Dleft><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =
>><DIV dir=3Dltr align=3Dleft><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =
>>class=3D093392407-28102004>can you try to find time to repsond to my =
>>included below? </SPAN></FONT></DIV>
>><DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff size=3D2><SPAN=20
>><DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff size=3D2><SPAN=20
>><DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff size=3D2><SPAN=20
>><DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff size=3D2><SPAN=20
>><DIV dir=3Dltr align=3Dleft><BR></DIV>
>><DIV class=3DOutlookMessageHeader lang=3Den-us dir=3Dltr align=3Dleft>
>><HR tabIndex=3D-1>
>><FONT face=3DTahoma size=3D2><B>From:</B> Valentijn Venus =
>><BR><B>Sent:</B> Friday,=20
>>September 17, 2004 11:32 PM<BR><B>To:</B> Tom Yoksas<BR><B>Subject:</B> =
>>20040916: NASA request for proposals <BR></FONT><BR></DIV>
>><DIV id=3DidOWAReplyText47012 dir=3Dltr>
>><DIV dir=3Dltr><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Hi Tom,</FONT></DIV></DIV>
>><DIV dir=3Dltr><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
>><DIV dir=3Dltr><FONT size=3D2>yes, the code&nbsp;is in fortran and isn't =
>>that old=20
>>all together (1993). Does a gaussian integration of CO2 assimilation in =
>>canopy at three different heights, accounting for diffuse and direct =
>>light and=20
>>LAI. Pretty interesting.&nbsp;PAR is still needed at hourly time =
>>though. Hope to&nbsp;start modelling&nbsp;PAR using cloud=20
>>properties&nbsp;estimated form Meteosat-8 data, based on an approach =
>>developed for MODIS. When&nbsp;will you be able to look into adding that =
>>decompression part to the ADDE server code? If succesful, how =
>>McIDAS interface with such a fortran developed&nbsp;model (runtime). =
>>Would it be=20
>>possible to do this&nbsp;at pixel level?</FONT></DIV>
>><P><FONT size=3D2>Cheers,</FONT></P>
>><P><FONT size=3D2>Valentijn</P>
>><DIV dir=3Dltr><BR></DIV></FONT>
>><DIV dir=3Dltr><FONT size=3D2>
>><HR tabIndex=3D-1>
>><DIV dir=3Dltr><FONT size=3D2><B>Van:</B> Tom Yoksas=20
>>[mailto:address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden> ]<BR><B>Verzon
> den:</B> vr 9/17/2004=20
>>18:55<BR><B>Aan:</B> Valentijn Venus<BR><B>CC:</B> Tom=20
>>Yoksas<BR><B>Onderwerp:</B> 20040916: NASA request for proposals=20
>><P><FONT size=3D2>Hi Valentijn,<BR><BR>&gt;how was your trip to =
>>was a LOT of fun and very productive, although I am paying the =
>>digging myself out of a lot of work that piled up while I was gone.<BR>I =
>>have easily spent another 7-10 days there visiting with folks<BR>at =
>>univesities to let them know in more detail about accessing<BR>real-time =
>>through the IDD-Brazil, and to give them an idea of what<BR>they could =
>>do with=20
>>the display and analysis software we make<BR>available.&nbsp; The latter =
>>be a hard sell since GRaDS is being used<BR>literally all over=20
>>Brazil.<BR><BR>&gt;We're enjoying the last sunny days of the=20
>>season,<BR>&gt;rembering 'the brige too far' event of 1944 today and =
>>here in my<BR>&gt;Arnhem. i'll head for Wagenigen University tomorrow to =
>>some source<BR>&gt;code dating back to the 1970's for modelling diurnal =
>>assimilation in<BR>&gt;crop canopies (developed on now rarely used =
>>here in Europe).<BR><BR>Wow, code from the 1970s!&nbsp; I assume it is =
>>IV...<BR><BR>&gt;Hope to do some PAR modeling with Meteosat-8 data, =
>>that to crop<BR>&gt;growth with some port of the model i =
>>interesting.<BR><BR>&gt;I just saw the NASA request for proposals (see =
>>and the following line<BR>&gt;made me wonder if it is open to foreigners =
>>(dutchmen): "promoting the<BR>&gt;widespread use of the system and =
>>related NASA=20
>>data products"<BR><BR>I don't know.&nbsp; Perhaps sending an email to =
>>listed on the web<BR>sites cited would be useful thing to =
>>do?<BR><BR>&gt;If so,=20
>>this maybe the oppertunity to see if we can push our idea =
>>Unidata sharing technlogies to the mainland. Let me know if<BR>&gt;your=20
>>intersted in writing a proposal together.<BR><BR>I don't think that the =
>>in this Request for Proposal fits with<BR>the idea of expanding =
>>real-time data=20
>>delivery to Europe.&nbsp; The RFP seems<BR>to be calling for educators =
>>to use=20
>>the GeoBrain system being developed<BR>at George Mason University and =
>>feedback to its developers on<BR>what is needed to make it more =
>>Also, the funding level<BR>indicated "Each participant will receive =
>>$10,000 a=20
>>year for two years"<BR>indicates that the awards will be to individuals, =
>>not to=20
>>group<BR>efforts.<BR><BR>I can imagine that a funding opportunity will =
>>itself at some<BR>point, but this does not appear to be=20
>>it.<BR><BR>Cheers,<BR><BR>Tom<BR><BR>&gt;This announcement is provided =
>>as a=20
>>community =
>>for Proposals<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;To Participate in the NASA-Sponsored =
>>-<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;"NASA EOS Higher Education Alliance: Mobilization of =
>>Data and<BR>&gt;Information through Web Services and Knowledge =
>>Technologies for<BR>&gt;Higher Education Teaching and=20
>>Research"<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Issued: September 15, 2004<BR>&gt;Proposal Due: =
>>Oct 15,=20
>>2004 by 4:30 p.m. (EST)<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Project =
>>Background<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;This is=20
>>one of the projects selected for funding through the =
>>Agreement Notice CAN-02-OES-01 issued on September 27,=20
> p://research.hq.nasa.gov/code_y/nra/current/CAN-02-OES-01/winn=> 
> p://research.hq.nasa.gov/code_y/nra/current/CAN-02-OES-01/win=> 
>>size=3D2>).<BR>&gt;The project represents part of NASA's efforts to =
>>create the=20
>>NASA Earth<BR>&gt;Science Research, Education and Applications Solutions =
>>(Earth<BR>&gt;Science REASoN), a distributed network of data and =
>>providers<BR>&gt;for earth science research, applications and education=20
> p://research.hq.nasa.gov/code_y/nra/current/CAN-02-OES-01/inde=> 
> p://research.hq.nasa.gov/code_y/nra/current/CAN-02-OES-01/ind=> 
>>size=3D2>).<BR>&gt;In pursuit of its objectives in earth science =
>>applications and<BR>&gt;education, NASA is generating earth system data =
>>unprecedented quality<BR>&gt;and quantity and developing data processing =
>>modeling capabilities to<BR>&gt;transform these data into easily usable =
>>and valuable information.<BR>&gt;The purpose of the NASA Earth Science =
>>REASoN is=20
>>to "afford solutions for<BR>&gt;utilization of NASA assets and =
>>capabilities to=20
>>support science findings and<BR>&gt;applications directed towards =
>>and predicting the future of<BR>&gt;the Earth and developing policy and =
>>management decision support<BR>&gt;systems, and education tools to =
>>inspire and=20
>>train current and future<BR>&gt;generations of =
>>particular project involves the development of a=20
>>standard-compliant,<BR>&gt;open, distributed, three-tier web information =
>>called GeoBrain. The<BR>&gt;system will make peta-bytes of NASA EOS data =
>>information easily<BR>&gt;accessible to users in the higher education =
>>and allow them to<BR>&gt;dynamically and cooperatively develop =
>>web-executable<BR>&gt;geospatial service modules and models for =
>>customized data and<BR>&gt;information products. It will deliver a =
>>geospatial learning<BR>&gt;and research environment to the desktops of =
>>and professors.<BR>&gt;Additional information about the project can be =
>>found at=20
>>the website<BR>&gt;</FONT><A href=3D"http://reason.laits.gmu.edu 
> .laits.gmu.edu> "><FONT=20
>>size=3D2>http://reason.laits.gmu.edu <http://reason.laits.gmu.edu> 
> FONT =
>>We Are Looking for?<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;To better meet the needs of the =
>>education community and facilitate<BR>&gt;the widespread adoption of =
>>technology and NASA data in Earth<BR>&gt;system science teaching and =
>>we are looking for education partners<BR>&gt;who teach courses and =
>>research that could significantly benefit<BR>&gt;from the online =
>>availability of=20
>>remotely sensed images and other data<BR>&gt;products acquired or =
>>developed by=20
>>NASA and a web-based data delivery,<BR>&gt;analysis, and modeling system =
>>easy extraction of data and information<BR>&gt;specifically tailored to =
>>particular needs. The implementation of the<BR>&gt;entire project will =
>>take five=20
>>years (6/1/2004 - 5/31/2009). Three proposals<BR>&gt;will be selected =
>>funding as sub-contracts during the first year of this<BR>&gt;project. A =
>>call for proposals will be issued during the second and<BR>&gt;the third =
>>Each participant will receive $10,000 a year for two =
>>years.<BR>&gt;Related data=20
>>and software products will be provided for your use free=20
>>of<BR>&gt;charge.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;The specific responsibilities =
>>of the=20
>>selected participants include<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;* helping the development =
>>team to=20
>>identify the user needs in the higher<BR>&gt;education community and =
>>define the=20
>>specific requirements for the web-based<BR>&gt;EOS data service=20
>>system,<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;* testing and evaluating the =
>>functionality of=20
>>GeoBrain and providing<BR>&gt;feedback to the development team for =
>>improving the=20
>>capability and<BR>&gt;performance of the =
>>incorporating the use of our system and NASA data products into=20
>>your<BR>&gt;teaching and research programs,<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;* =
>>the widespread use of the system and related NASA data =
>>products<BR>&gt;in the=20
>>higher education community, and optionally,<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;* designing =
>>new Earth=20
>>system science courses at undergraduate or graduate<BR>&gt;levels that =
>>advantage of the data-enhanced learning environment<BR>&gt;provided by=20
>>GeoBrain.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Preparation and Submission of=20
>>Proposals<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Your proposal should include (1) a detailed =
>>of how you will<BR>&gt;make effective use of NASA data and information =
>>in your=20
>>teaching and<BR>&gt;research, (2) a summary of your educational =
>>background and=20
>>research<BR>&gt;experience that are directly relevant to the =
>>implementation of=20
>>this<BR>&gt;project, (3) a brief description of your facility and =
>>equipment, (4)=20
>>an<BR>&gt;annual breakdown budget, and (5) a copy of your current =
>>vitae.<BR>&gt;For instructional use, you may provide a description of =
>>existing and<BR>&gt;possible new courses in which you can benefit from =
>>dissemination of<BR>&gt;NASA data and information through GeoBrain and =
>>how you plan to use<BR>&gt;such data in these courses. For research =
>>purpose, you=20
>>can describe how your<BR>&gt;ongoing projects could be enhanced and what =
>>projects could be developed<BR>&gt;as a result of easy access to NASA =
>>data and=20
>>information. The total length<BR>&gt;of part 1-3 of your proposal should =
>>be no=20
>>more than 5 pages.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Selection of participants will be made =
>>November 1, 2004. The<BR>&gt;expected starting date for the participants =
>>December 1, 2004. Please<BR>&gt;prepare an annual budget for two years =
>>from December 1, 2004. The<BR>&gt;total amount of funding cannot exceed =
>>Please include a brief<BR>&gt;justification for any unusual items in =
>>budget. For each year, you need<BR>&gt;to plan one trip to attend a NASA =
>>System Science Education for the<BR>&gt;Twenty-First Century=20
>>meeting.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Please send your proposal as E-mail attachments =
>>Professor Liping Di at<BR>&gt;address@hidden with cc to Professor ZONG-GUO =
>>at<BR>&gt;address@hidden. Both MS Word and PDF files will be =
>>acceptable.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;For inquiry of this RFP, please contact the =
>>Investigator of this<BR>&gt;project:<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Professor Liping Di, =
>>Director<BR>&gt;Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and =
>>(LAITS)<BR>&gt;George Mason University<BR>&gt;9801 Greenbelt Road, Suite =
>>316-317<BR>&gt;Lanham, MD 20706<BR>&gt;Phone: (301) 552 - =
>>9496<BR>&gt;Fax: (301)=20
>>552 - 9671<BR>&gt;Email:=20
>>Tom Yoksas [</FONT><A href=3D"mailto:address@hidden <mailto:yoksas@uni
> data.ucar.edu> "><FONT=20
>>size=3D2>mailto:address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden> </FONT
> ></A><FONT =
>>wo 8/18/2004 21:26<BR>&gt;Aan: Valentijn Venus<BR>&gt;CC:=20
>>address@hidden; Harald van der Werff;=20
>>address@hidden<BR>&gt; .edu<BR>&gt;Onderwerp: 20040818: MSG-1 =
>>through ADDE=20
>>(cont.)<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;From:&nbsp; "Valentijn Venus" =
>>ITC<BR>&gt;&gt;Keywords:&nbsp; =
>>Valentijn,<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;I just wanted to let you know that I received =
>>email pointing<BR>&gt;me to the wavelet code.&nbsp; I will try to make =
>>some time=20
>>to look into<BR>&gt;the effort it would take to incorporate the =
>>into<BR>&gt;the MSG server, but this will probably have to wait =
>>until&nbsp; I=20
>>return<BR>&gt;from Brazil.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;One thing that I need to know, =
>>however.&nbsp; You note:<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;"The licensing<BR>&gt;agreement =
>>that we=20
>>signed allows use for non-commercial and educational<BR>&gt;purposes=20
>>only."<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Does your license then give me a right to look at =
>>the code=20
>>and<BR>&gt;incorporate it into the Unidata McIDAS releaes?&nbsp; Or, do =
>>I need=20
>>to<BR>&gt;follow the same path and sign a license agreement with=20
>>the following url<BR>&gt;&gt;(</FONT><A=20
> us/PublicDecompWT.zip> "><FONT=20
> nus/PublicDecompWT.zip> </FONT></A><FONT =
>>will provide you the<BR>&gt;&gt;sources and documentation to the Public=20
>>Decompress Wavelet Transform<BR>&gt;&gt;library produced by VCS and =
>>published by=20
>>EUMETSAT. The licensing<BR>&gt;&gt;agreement that we signed allows use =
>>non-commercial and educational<BR>&gt;&gt;purposes only. The example =
>>provided in=20
>>this WinZip archive is may not be<BR>&gt;&gt;usefull. Another, more =
>>example is provided in the MSG<BR>&gt;&gt;HRIT/LRIT code (</FONT><A=20
> /> "><FONT=20
> t/> </FONT></A><FONT size=3D2>) =
>>depends on<BR>&gt;&gt;the same library for the MSG image=20
>>decompression.<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;Let me know if you need more=20
>>Valentijn Venus=3D20<BR>&gt;&gt;Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 10:13=20
>>PM<BR>&gt;&gt;To: Unidata Support<BR>&gt;&gt;Cc:=20
>>address@hidden; Harald van der=20
>>Werff;<BR>&gt;&gt;address@hidden<BR>&gt;&gt;Subject: RE: =
>>MSG-1 through ADDE (cont.)<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;for your=20
>>convenience i'v included a better (easier) link to the set =
>>msg-1 data:<BR>&gt;&gt;</FONT><A=20
> www.eumetsat.org/WEBOPS/msg_images/20030509/=3D20> "><FON=
> swww.eumetsat.org/WEBOPS/msg_images/20030509/=3D20> </FON=
>>size=3D2>&gt;&gt;=3D20<BR>&gt;&gt;Don't bother about the =
>>which is the format<BR>&gt;&gt;Marianne is working with. The notes that =
>>provides with the data<BR>&gt;&gt;are included=20
>>(unencrypted)<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;Each of these files has been=20
> zip2/index.html> "><FONT=20
> bzip2/index.html> </FONT></A><FONT=20
>>size=3D2>&gt;&nbsp; compressed and contains<BR>&gt;&gt;identical =
>>prologue and=20
>>epilogue files (the prologue and epilogue files<BR>&gt;&gt;can be =
>>overwritten if=20
>>all files are extracted into a single directory).<BR>&gt;&gt;Note that =
>>JPEG files are available above.=20
>>Valentijn Venus<BR>&gt;&gt;Sent: Fri 8/13/2004 21:59<BR>&gt;&gt;To: =
>>Venus; Unidata Support<BR>&gt;&gt;Cc: address@hidden; =
>>van der Werff;<BR>&gt;&gt;address@hidden<BR>&gt;&gt;Subject: =
>>20040809: MSG-1 through ADDE =
>>Tom,<BR>&gt;&gt;=3D20<BR>&gt;&gt;just got word from a Cuban student a =
>>heading for the States did<BR>&gt;&gt;some serious damage to their =
>>McIDAS provided proof of the event.<BR>&gt;&gt;Wonderful to have such a =
>>in place!<BR>&gt;&gt;=3D20<BR>&gt;&gt;My problems with our MSG ADDE =
>>disappeared partially after setting<BR>&gt;&gt;COMPRESS=3D3Dnone, and =
>>fully after=20
>>equipping a faster machine with McIDAS.<BR>&gt;&gt;This answers my =
>>questions, but a new one of more serious nature<BR>&gt;&gt;arised (i =
>>When displaying an image, the frame in question shows<BR>&gt;&gt;just =
>>metadata (sensor name, time of observation, etc.). The =
>>is not displayed. I believe it has to do with the fact that=20
>>the<BR>&gt;&gt;EUMETCAST data is compressed using a proprietary wavelet=20
>>transform. We<BR>&gt;&gt;have the sources (in c) from EUMETSAT to =
>>them, and after<BR>&gt;&gt;looking in the MSGT server-files i found no =
>>occurences of the<BR>&gt;&gt;code.<BR>&gt;&gt;=3D20<BR>&gt;&gt;Miguel =
>>Angel told=20
>>me the other day that they first decompress the<BR>&gt;&gt;segmented =
>>files, and=20
>>then serve them to through their homebuild MSG ADDE<BR>&gt;&gt;server. =
>>would however increase our storage=20
>>requirements<BR>&gt;&gt;significantly.<BR>&gt;&gt;=3D20<BR>&gt;&gt;The =
>>data provided at<BR>&gt;&gt;</FONT><A=20
> ww.eumetsat.de/en/dps/news/msg-1_rect_image.html#hrit> "><F=
> www.eumetsat.de/en/dps/news/msg-1_rect_image.html#hrit> </F=
> ww.eumetsat.de/en/dps/news/msg-1_rect_image.html#hrit> "><F=
> www.eumetsat.de/en/dps/news/msg-1_rect_image.html#hrit> </F=
>>size=3D2>&gt;&nbsp; has the<BR>&gt;&gt;same compression applied i =
>>believe. Please=20
>>let me know your thoughts=20
>>Valentijn Venus<BR>&gt;&gt;Sent: Tue 8/10/2004 17:02<BR>&gt;&gt;To: =
>>Support<BR>&gt;&gt;Cc: =
>>address@hidden<BR>&gt;&gt;Subject: RE:=20
>>20040809: MSG-1 through ADDE=20
>>(cont.)<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;So my questions=20
>>are:<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;-Do you observe the same problem with the =
>>"Work" and=20
>>"Doesn't work"<BR>&gt;&gt;MSG-1 datasets on your McIDAS =
>>other developers of McIDAS (e.g. those who worked on the MSG=20
>>part)<BR>&gt;&gt;aware of the problem, and possibly willing to find a=20
>>solution?<BR>&gt;&gt;-If negative, would you be willing to adjust the =
>>MSGX bit=20
>>to get it to<BR>&gt;&gt;work for the "Doesn't work" set of example=20
>>Message-----<BR>&gt;&gt;From: Valentijn Venus<BR>&gt;&gt;Sent: Tue =
>>16:49<BR>&gt;&gt;To: Unidata Support<BR>&gt;&gt;Cc:=20
>>address@hidden<BR>&gt;&gt;Subject: RE: 20040809: MSG-1 =
>>ADDE (cont.)<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;Hi Tom,<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;i =
>>i've found the problem. The format we receieve is XRIT =
>>the MSGT argument should work), but along the way EUMETCAST has=20
>>made<BR>&gt;&gt;a change in the segmentation. E.g. the HRV 11134 =
>>segments were=20
>>devided<BR>&gt;&gt;over 174 files, whereas the more recent segmentation =
>>devides them<BR>&gt;&gt;over only 24 files. You can download =
>>corresponding sets=20
>>of example data<BR>&gt;&gt;at the following=20
> p://www.eumetsat.de/en/dps/news/msg-1_rect_image.=> 
> p://oiswww.eumetsat.org/WEBOPS/msg_images/msg1_hrit_c12.tar.bz=> 
> p://oiswww.eumetsat.org/WEBOPS/msg_images/msg1_hrit_c12.tar.b=> 
>>size=3D2> (7.3<BR>&gt;&gt;mb)<BR>&gt;&gt;Doesn't =
> p://oiswww.eumetsat.org/WEBOPS/msg_images/20030509/msg1_hrit_c=> 
> p://oiswww.eumetsat.org/WEBOPS/msg_images/20030509/msg1_hrit_=> 
>>size=3D2>&gt;&gt;.bz2 (40.3 mb)<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;The =
>>commands below seem to work with the "Works" dataset:<BR>&gt;&gt;DSSERVE =
>>"High resolution<BR>&gt;&gt;visible channel (band =
>>12).<BR>&gt;&gt;DSSERVE ADD=20
>>"High<BR>&gt;&gt;resolution visible and infrared channel (bands=20
>>1-11).<BR>&gt;&gt;DSSERVE ADD MSG/ADMIN=20
>>"METEOSAT-8<BR>&gt;&gt;Administration =
>>MSG/HRV.-1 1 MAG=3D3D-6 BAND=3D3D12<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;Cheers!=20
>>Valentijn<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;-----Original =
>>Unidata Support [</FONT><A =
>>href=3D"mailto:address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden> "><FO
> NT=20
>>size=3D2>mailto:address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden> </FO
> NT></A><FONT =
>>Mon 8/9/2004 22:09<BR>&gt;&gt;To: Valentijn Venus<BR>&gt;&gt;Cc:=20
>>address@hidden<BR>&gt;&gt;Subject: 20040809: MSG-1 =
>>through ADDE=20
>>(cont.)<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;From: "Valentijn Venus"=20
>>&lt;address@hidden&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;Organization: =
>>200408050006.i7506ZaW006360 McIDAS MSG<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;Hi=20
>>Valentijn,<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;Well, after three abstracts and a LOT =
>>of other=20
>>stuff, I finally have<BR>&gt;&gt;time<BR>&gt;&gt;to get to your =
>>Sorry for the wait...<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;another message to keep =
>>up-to-date on my&nbsp; latest developments.=20
>>at<BR>&gt;&gt;the<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;moment the ADDE server is working well =
>>using a=20
>>sample of MSG-1 images<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;provided by=20
>>EUMETSAT.<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;Which format are you using?&nbsp; The =
>>distribution supports two<BR>&gt;&gt;different file types for MSG data =
>>two different servers:<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;msgtadir.cp --=20
>>XRIT<BR>&gt;&gt;msgtaget.cp -- XRIT<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;msgxadir.cp =
>>-- ??=20
>>(native?)<BR>&gt;&gt;msgxaget.cp -- ?? =
>>HRV data (band 12) are unencrypted and in Native format,=20
>>and<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;2003/12/12 13.30 consists of 176 segmented files =
>>(excl. PRO=20
>>and PERI<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;metadatailes).<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;A =
>>scene as we receive it contain only 24 (much=20
>>bigger)<BR>&gt;&gt;segments<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;(filenaming looks similair), =
>>and when=20
>>i try to serve this McIDAS tells<BR>&gt;&gt;me<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;tere are =
>>bands/data in the group.<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;Have you ever=20
>>encountered this problem?<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;No, I havn't.&nbsp; I =
>>must add=20
>>that I have not played around with the MSG<BR>&gt;&gt;data all that =
>>much, so my=20
>>not having experienced the problem you are<BR>&gt;&gt;seeing means =
>>little or=20
>>nothing.<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;From: "Valentijn Venus"=20
>>&lt;address@hidden&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 23:46:32=20
>>+0200<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;Btw, how is McIDAS compiling in 64-bit =
>>for an=20
>>AMD64 system?<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;I built McIDAS on our dual Opteron =
>>machine back in late<BR>&gt;&gt;June/early<BR>&gt;&gt;July and had no =
>>that I can recall.&nbsp; We have not keep this build<BR>&gt;&gt;around =
>>testing since we have been experimenting with different =
>>OSes<BR>&gt;&gt;on the=20
>>box (Fedora Core 1 for 64 bit; FreeBSD =
>>Valentijn Venus<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;Sent: Wed 8/4/2004=20
>>23:36<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;If i understood well the 2004 McIDAS =
>>will read the raw,<BR>&gt;&gt;transmitted<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;METEOSAT 8 =
>>files. These=20
>>we receive from EUMETSAT by a satellite=20
>>dish<BR>&gt;&gt;mounted<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;on the top of our=20
>>roof.<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;Is this through=20
>>EUMETCAST?<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;The server runs on a&nbsp; Windows =
>>XP OS=20
>>and stores the<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;segmented files received through a DVB =
>>system on a=20
>>shared drive.<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;OK.&nbsp; I have had two meeting =
>>Volker Gartner, Head of EUMETSAT User<BR>&gt;&gt;Services, about setting =
>>up an=20
>>ADDE server for the METEOSAT data at<BR>&gt;&gt;EUMETSAT.&nbsp; The idea =
>>is to=20
>>get the folks at EUMETSAT using remote access<BR>&gt;&gt;methods first, =
>>then get=20
>>the member state's researchers interested, and<BR>&gt;&gt;then see if =
>>service could be opened up.&nbsp; There are many steps =
>>between the first effort and the goal, but I am hopeful =
>>that<BR>&gt;&gt;we can=20
>>make progress.<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;since i<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;won't =
>>be able=20
>>to participate in this years Workshop, i'm looking=20
>>for<BR>&gt;&gt;some<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;documentation/guidance on how to set =
>>up an=20
>>ADDE server for MSG-1=20
>>use.<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;I think another of your emails shows that =
>>you got=20
>>past this point even<BR>&gt;&gt;though your earlier email showed a bit =
>>of a=20
>>misunderstanding:<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;Just added a couple of =
>>MSG-1 images using:<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;DDSERVE MSG/HRV MSGT=20
>>this creates the dataset with group name MSG and descriptor=20
>>HRV.<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;McIDAS tells me the command =
>>succesfully. The i added the<BR>&gt;&gt;ADDE to<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;the =
>>routing table using:<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;DATALOC ADD MSG_LOC=20
>>ADDESERVER.ITC.NL<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;Two =
>>things:<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;- if=20
>>you created the dataset locally, then you don't have to run=20
>>DATALOC<BR>&gt;&gt;&nbsp; to locate it -- unless -- you want to access =
>>through the remote<BR>&gt;&gt;&nbsp; ADDE server=20
>>interface<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;- since the dataset you created has =
>>group name=20
>>MSG, the DATALOC<BR>&gt;&gt;&nbsp; command would=20
>>be:<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;DATALOC ADD MSG=20
>>ADDESERVER.ITC.NL<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&nbsp; This also assumes that =
>>the fully=20
>>qualified hostname of the ADDE<BR>&gt;&gt;&nbsp; server machine is=20
>>ADDESERVER.ITC.NL.<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;Then i tried to =
>>display the=20
>>data using:<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;IMGDISP MSG_LOC/HRV.-1 1 =
>>MSG_LOC/FD<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;The first thing to do is verify that =
>>the ADDE=20
>>group name is recognized<BR>&gt;&gt;by the =
>>IMAGE MSG_LOC<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;If these return nothing, then you =
>>asking for the wrong ADDE =
>>could send you some sample files if that =
>>helps...<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;At some=20
>>point, I wouldn't mind getting sets of example data that =
>>doesn't work so I can better understand the=20
>>formats.<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;I also came across a message in the =
>>that mentioned a way to<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;calculate satellite and sun =
>>angles for=20
>>METEOSAT data (by Miguel Angel).<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;I would very much =
>>appreciate it=20
>>for some radiative=20
>>transfer<BR>&gt;&gt;modelling....<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;Yes.&nbsp; I =
>>that he sent along the program in his email.&nbsp; If<BR>&gt;&gt;he =
>>didn't, it=20
>>might be best to contact him directly to get his =
>>latest<BR>&gt;&gt;version of=20
>>the code.<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;Also an updated DATALOC listing =
>>(ADDELIST.TXT) would be very welcome.<BR>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;What would =
>>be more=20
>>useful is the URL for the list of=20
> p://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/mcidas/adde_servers.h=> 
> p://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/mcidas/adde_servers.=> 
>>size=3D2>&gt;&gt;<BR>&gt;&gt;Sending you the contents of ADDESITE.TXT =
>>would not=20
>>give you a complete<BR>&gt;&gt;listing of what servers are out=20
>>&lt;<BR>&gt;&gt;Unidata User=20
>>UCAR Unidata<BR>&gt;&gt;Program=20
>>P.O. Box<BR>&gt;&gt;3000=20
>>Boulder, CO<BR>&gt;&gt;80307=20
>>&lt;<BR>&gt;&gt;Unidata WWW Service<BR>&gt;&gt;</FONT><A=20
> content/support> "><FONT=20
> /content/support> </FONT></A><FONT =
>>&lt;<BR>&gt;&gt;NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are =
>>in the<BR>&gt;&gt;Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made =
>>available<BR>&gt;&gt;through the web.&nbsp; If you do not want to have =
>>interactions made<BR>&gt;&gt;available in this way, you must let us know =
>>in each=20
>>email you send=20
>>text/x-vcard;<BR>&gt;&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
>>base64<BR>&gt;&gt;Content-Description: Valentijn=20
>>attachment;<BR>&gt;&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
>>+<BR>&gt;* Tom=20
>>UCAR Unidata Program<BR>&gt; *<BR>&gt;* (303) 497-8642 (last=20
>>P.O. Box 3000<BR>&gt; *<BR>&gt;*=20
>>Boulder, CO 80307<BR>&gt; *<BR>&gt;* Unidata WWW=20
>></FONT><A href=3D"http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/ <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/> 
> ><FONT=20
>>size=3D2>http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/ <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/> 
> ><BR><FONT size=3D2>&gt;=20
>>UCAR Unidata Program *<BR>* (303) 497-8642 (last=20
>>P.O. Box 3000 *<BR>*=20
>>Boulder, CO 80307 *<BR>* Unidata WWW=20
>></FONT><A href=3D"http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/* 
>  "><FONT=20
>>size=3D2>http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/* <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*> 
> /A><BR><FONT=20