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20040328: using IMGPROBE on a composite image

>From: Robert Mullenax <address@hidden>
>Organization: NMSU/NSBF
>Keywords: 200403290511.i2T5BDrV029682 McIDAS IMGPROBE PRD

Hi Robert,

>I am trying to use IMGPROBE to show cloud top temps on the Global
>composite I am making on newpsn.nsbf.nasa.gov.    This is the image
>where I take a topo map, dice it up, then remap satellite into those, then
>merge the image back together.   I have no problem using:
>BAR SU=IRTEMP to get a bar whihc shows temperature correctly.

This is because the stretch sets the mapping of BRIT to TEMP for BAR.

>Also when I open the image using the Unidata GUI, the status bar
>at the bottom shows BRIT and TEMP and they are correct.

This is because the SSEC and Unidata GUIs use the fixed two slope
relationship between BRIT and TEMP.  Neither interrogate the image
to get the TEMPs. Both indicate approx. TEMP values in display

>I compared
>them to a Meteosat iamge and the temps are close.   However,  when I try
>to use IMGPROBE, I get:
> IMGPROBE: Stretch table specified in SU= does not exist on server
>All of the standard .ST files do exist of course.
>I would figure that if IMGPROBE doesn't work, then the GUI shouldn't
>be able to display temps.
>I am already doing:
>imgcha.k SS=70 CTYPE=BRIT STYPE=VISR on the image.
>Any ideas?

Yes.  Word 56 (zero based) in the AREA file header is set to 'PRD '
in your images.  Word 56 overrides word 50 (don't ask me why).  Word
56 is set to PRD since the TOPO images you are using are setup that
way.  The solution is easy, set word 56 to zero using LWU:

LWU POKE AREA1234 0 56

>Please leave the following out of the archive as I don't have access limited
>right now and the data is every 3 hours (legal for us since we are NASA)

>The image is in ULDB/GLOBAL

I found that word 56 was 'PRD ' by copying a portion of one of these
images to a local dataset (MYDATA/IMAGES) and then used LWU to list
out values:

lwu.k LIST AREA1234 0 80
       0.          0           4 HEX:        0        4 ASCII:
       2.         70      104089 HEX:       46    19699 ASCII:    F
       4.     120000        9545 HEX:    1D4C0     2549 ASCII:        %I
       6.       6002           1 HEX:     1772        1 ASCII:    r
       8.        640         480 HEX:      280      1E0 ASCII:
      10.          1           1 HEX:        1        1 ASCII:
      12.          1           1 HEX:        1        1 ASCII:
      14.          0           0 HEX:        0        0 ASCII:
      16.     104089      150305 HEX:    19699    24B21 ASCII:        K!
      18.          8           0 HEX:        8        0 ASCII:
      20.          0           0 HEX:        0        0 ASCII:
      22.          0           0 HEX:        0        0 ASCII:
      24. 1198288738  1634476099 HEX: 476C6F62 616C2043 ASCII: Glob al C
      26. 1869443183  1936290917 HEX: 6F6D706F 73697465 ASCII: ompo site
      28.  538976288   538976288 HEX: 20202020 20202020 ASCII:
      30.  538976288   538976288 HEX: 20202020 20202020 ASCII:
      32.       1234         768 HEX:      4D2      300 ASCII:
      34.        256           0 HEX:      100        0 ASCII:
      36.          0           0 HEX:        0        0 ASCII:
      38.          0           0 HEX:        0        0 ASCII:
      40.          0           0 HEX:        0        0 ASCII:
      42.          0           0 HEX:        0        0 ASCII:
      44.          0           0 HEX:        0        0 ASCII:
      46.          0           0 HEX:        0        0 ASCII:
      48.          0           0 HEX:        0        0 ASCII:
      50.          0  1447646034 HEX:        0 56495352 ASCII:      VISR
      52. 1112688980           0 HEX: 42524954        0 ASCII: BRIT
      54.          0           0 HEX:        0        0 ASCII:
      56. 1347568672   538976288 HEX: 50524420 20202020 ASCII: PRD


No worries.


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>From address@hidden  Mon Mar 29 10:56:04 2004

>Thanks as always.   As you can see I haven't completely
>turned things over to them yet.   There is lot of stuff
>to know and doing the Vulcan mind meld has taken quite a bit
>of time.