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20030317: build of mcidas2002, new terminal

>From: "Anderson, Alan C. " <address@hidden>
>Organization: St. Cloud State
>Keywords: 200303112223.h2BMNIB2013810 McIDAS Sun Solaris HDF

Hi Alan,

>As I noted to you last week,  I am starting to set up a new terminal
>that will probably replace waldo.
>Have configured terminal, obtained  mcidas2002,  ran mcinstall and
>build.  Had some initial troubles with build, but I had left out the
>step of setting some env variables as directed in the Notes &
>Warnings,  netCDF section.


>When I fixed that,  the build ran to completion.  I did edit the
>makefile and changed  DEBUG from  -0   to   perhaps this was

This should have been unnecessary.

>Continued today with testing.   The directions for this part are not
>explicit for  a build/test when no previous version of MCIDAS is

Hmm...  I wrote the testing instructions so that one could test the
new build in place before doing the install.  The main reason for this was
so that a site could check out a new version before installing it over
an old one.

>I messed up to start by just  going to
>~mcidas/mcidas2002/src and running mcidasx.   It started but with no
>label as to version #.   I exited MCIDAS,  and realized I should have
>done  setenv commands for MCDATA, MCPATH, MCGUI and some other changes,
>so I did them.

OK, sounds good.

>Then,  mcidas started ok  from  ~mcidas with the version labeled  2002a

This is correct.

>Test commands ran ok until near the end.   Test map in panel 5,  ok
>Topo image in panel  9,  ok
>MAP H PAN=3   did not create an overlay map.   No error message

I believe that I ran into this during the training workshop and
determined that it was a weird interaction between the newly built and
existing old versions of McIDAS.   I thought that I changed the online
documentation to get around this, but evidently I did not do a good
enough job.  Hopefully you are looking at the online
documentation/installation instructions for v2002 and not 7.80.  If you
are not, then you should switch over to the v2002 stuff as it has
updated instructions.  The bottom line in this, however, that the
failure to plot the map could be safely ignored.  Now, since you are
installing on a new machine, I would have assumed that there would
not be an existing version of McIDAS that you would have to deal

>I tried everything at least twice,  including exiting MCIDAS  and
>starting over.
>So,  I did not go on with the install,  not sure how serious the
>problem is.

Again, since it is a new machine, I would plow ahead and ignore
the failure to plot the map on top of the topo image in panel 3.

>This terminal is cyclone.stcloudstate.edu,   user mcidas
>has same pw as for waldo.    Have turned telnet on for cyclone.   Still
>off for waldo.

I tried to quickly jump onto cyclone to take a look, but my telnet
attempt was unsuccessful (the telnet eventually timed out without
giving me a login prompt).

>Let me know what you think.

I think that you don't have to worry about the map plotting on the
topo image in panel 9.  I would, however, quickly rerun the test
after you install v2002.  After doing the install, you will not
want the MCPATH, etc. definitions you set for the testing done
before the install.  The easiest way to get rid of those settings
is to exit and log back in.  This assumes, of course, that you
have correctly setup the user's .cshrc file (if using the C shell)
to define MCDATA, MCPATH, etc.
