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20021118: Corrupt ROUTE.SYS and ROUTE PostProcess BATCH files (cont.)

>From: Angel Li <address@hidden>
>Organization: U Miami/RSMAS
>Keywords: 200211150406.gAF46PL16731 McIDAS ROUTE.SYS


re: REDIRECTions

>I do have  ~mcidas/workdata/LWPATH.NAM but LOCAL.NAM doesn't.

You will always have the file LWPATH.NAM, but it may not have any/many entries.

>Should I create it?

Yes, you should create LOCAL.NAM from EXAMPLE.NAM changing directory locations
to match your setup.

>Last time I checked, all the redirections were there but I did this as 
>user "ldm".

This may or may not cause a problem depending on the umask for 'ldm' and
'mcidas'.  Can you do the following:

<login as 'mcidas'>
cd workdata
dmap.k AREA

and see the AREA files being created by the ldm-mcidas decoder?  Are
the AREA files non-zero length?

>Are the redirections global or the same for each user?

Each user will endup with an LWPATH.NAM file in his/her McIDAS working
directory.  The McIDAS working directory for the user 'mcidas' is
~mcidas/workdata.  The McIDAS working directory of all users other
than 'mcidas' is ~/mcidas/data.

The ROUTE PostProcess BATCH files kicked off upon receipt of in image
by the LDM are run as 'ldm' but the batch.k Bourne shell script used
to run these (located somewhere in the PATH for 'ldm') should be configured
to use the setup in the 'mcidas' account.

If fiddling with REDIRECTions doesn't seem to be working, please send
me the output of ROUTE LIST:

<as 'mcidas'>
cd workdata
route.k LIST

Also, please send me the results of a DMAP AREA015:

<still in workdata>
dmap.k AREA015
