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20021114: updating climate.cod.edu to McIDAS v2002 (cont.)

>From: "David B. Bukowski" <address@hidden>
>Organization:  COD
>Keywords:  200211082120.gA8LKGX25180 McIDAS upgrade


>after the upgrade, would the settings that were in there for everything be
>wiped out?

If your setup has scripts of the same name as those included with the
release, they will be overwritten.  If you made copies of configuration
files that defined ADDE datasets, they will not be overwritten.  System
level ADDE remote server configurations setup will not be overwritten.
Any modifications made to configuration files or scripts without
changing the names of those scripts will potentially be lost during an
upgrade.  This is why I tell folks in my McIDAS web pages what steps
they should take to avoid this situation.

>OR will the configs still survive.  

XCD configuration files will not be overwritten.

>(making a backup copy of the directory structure just in cake ANYWAYS like
>i always do for upgrades)

This is a good idea.
