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20020415: using McIDAS to make METEOSAT/GOES-8 composite (cont.)

>From: "Robert Mullenax" <address@hidden>
>Organization: NMSU/NSBF
>Keywords: 200204102048.g3AKmta26322 McIDAS IMGREMAP

>Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 16:37:42 -0500

>Thanks.  A test (went ahead and did a topo image) came out quite

>(see) http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/tom/gifs/gemsatcomp.gif

>Thanks for your help,

>Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 18:15:21 -0600


>I noticed that with the composite I made and with the GE-W composite
>IMGPROBE does not return a temperature, only brightness (raw)
>values.  Is there a way around this?  

Assuming that the resultant image is stored in AREA1234, what is the
output of:

LWU LIST AREA1234 0 64

It could be that you will need to change either the sensor source
(image directory word 3, 1-based) or the source type (image directory
word 52, 1-based) or calibration type (image directory word 53, 1-based).

Before you do this, please realize that if you decide to change the
header information to force McIDAS to give you TEMP values, you may
only get approximate values.  The reason for this is that you are
combining different IR channels from different satellites, so the
calibration (mapping between raw and calibrated values) will be
different for the GOES-East and METEOSAT halves of the images.

I am curious about one thing: was the input data from either/both
GOES-East and METEOSAT 2-byte in nature?  Did either/both originally
have calibration blocks in them?

If the answer to the second question is yes, you should maybe convert
from 2-byte to 1-byte using IMGCOPY first.  This way the images should
contain default calibrations which may match.  I have to root around
in the calibration modules for both GVAR and MSAT before I will be
sure of this.

Any chance I could get ADDE access to representative images you are
using for the composite?  If yes, can I see the script you put
together for the compositing?  If you don't want that information
in the inquiry tracking system, I will be sure to make sure that
it doesn't make it in.  Thanks...


>From address@hidden Tue Apr 16 06:54:15 2002

Thanks Tom for getting back so quick..the NCEP ftp server
being down has caused me some problems.  I'll get this info back
to you this evening.
