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20010309: 7.7x version of uacross fails in plotting wind barbs (cont.)

>From: "Paul L. Sirvatka" <address@hidden>
>Organization: College of DuPage
>Keywords: 200102162013.f1GKD9L01250 McIDAS-X SFCCON GRDDISP


re: suprised to hear that are serving all but GINI image data off of
local system

>Here is the output:
>Group Name                    Server IP Address
>--------------------         ----------------------------------------
>CIMSS                        <LOCAL-DATA>
>MYDATA                       <LOCAL-DATA>
>RTGINI                       ADDE.UCAR.EDU
>RTGRIDS                      <LOCAL-DATA>
>RTIMAGES                     <LOCAL-DATA>
>RTNOWRAD                     <LOCAL-DATA>
>RTPTSRC                      <LOCAL-DATA>
>RTWXTEXT                     <LOCAL-DATA>
>TOPO                         <LOCAL-DATA>
>WNEXRAD                      <LOCAL-DATA>
>WNOWRAD                      <LOCAL-DATA>

Oh, of course.  You are not going through the remote ADDE server for
RTPTSRC data so sounding serving works fine.  My fault for being stuck
in the mode of thinking that everyting was going through the
remote ADDE server.

>Now I am confused again. When I type DSSERVE LIST RTPTSRC/UPPERMAN ALL I
>get nothing back.

For the LIST action, only the group portion of the ADDE dataset should
be specified:

DSSERVE -- Manages and lists ADDE dataset names on the local server
   DSSERVE ADD dataset format bfile efile <keywords> "comment
   DSSERVE DEL dataset
   DSSERVE LIST group format
Also, the ALL positional is not correct.  The command should be:


>But I am plotting the data....I do not think I am
>setting any different environment....Can you elucidate?

Your DATALOC listing shows that you are accessing the POINT data from
your own machine.  The reason it is not failing is that you are not going
through the remote ADDE interface where there is a problem.
