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19990316: building, testing, and installing McIDAS AND LOVING IT ,

>From: Craig Motell <address@hidden>
>Organization: University of Hawaii
>Keywords: 199903100258.TAA26142 McIDAS-X


>I'm trying to say hello world, so naturally I use the program:
>sapo% more hello.f
>      subroutine main0
>      call sdest('hello world',0)
>      call mccodeset(0)
>      return
>      end
>In order for me to compile this program I must use the flag "vendor" as
>sapo% mccomp -c -vendor -I/export/sapo2/mcidas/inc hello.f
>f77 -c -O hello.f
>        main0:
>I found this flag in the mccomp scrip. If I don't use this flag I get
>sapo% mccomp -c  -I/export/sapo2/mcidas/inc hello.f
>fc -c -O hello.f
>/usr/bin/fc[8]: fc: bad option(s)

Right.  What is going on is: we are adding support to the build structure
for use of gcc/f2c while keeping support for vendor supplied compilers
(cc/f77).  In order to do this, we put in a COMPILERS macro in 'makefile'
the default of which is ' ' (blank).  SSEC wants to move to support of
gcc/f2c for all platforms so that is why the default will be non-vendor.
If one uses the vendor-supplied compilers, then s/he has to set the COMPILERS
macro in 'makefile' to be -vendor.  Additionally, to run 'mccomp' by hand,
one has to include the -vendor flag on the command line.

>Your mccomp script is complicated for me.

Me too!

>I don't know if the problem is that is looking for the compiler in:
>   /opt/SUNWspro/bin/f77
>or some other problem. 

Actually, it was looking for a routine (inappropriately) named 'fc'
which is a shell script that will run a gcc/f2c combination and make it
look like a Fortran compiler.  By specifying the -vendor flag to mccomp,
you are telling it to not use 'fc' as the "Fortran" compiler.

Aside:  the name 'fc' was really unfortunate (I got this from SSEC) since
there is a shell routine named 'fc' already (at least on Solaris).  In
the 7.5 distribution, we include the 'fc' script in McIDAS as mcfc.  This
gets away from the unfortunate name clash.

>1) Do I need to see up something special for Solaris 2.6, like
>   point to where my fortran compiler is?

You need to specify the -vendor flag to mccomp.  Of course, your session
needs to be able to find the vendor-supplied C and Fortran comilers, but
that would be done through your PATH.

>2) Is it ok to use vendor compiler or should I use gnu's compiler, etc?

Vendor-supplied compilers are AOK.  The movement toward support of gcc/f2c
was to standardize on a compilation environment across platforms.  This
makes testing easier (for SSEC mainly) and eliminates the need to purchase
compilers from vendors.


