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[LDM #WZN-558673]: Feature adjustment consideration for LDM 6.14.1
- Subject: [LDM #WZN-558673]: Feature adjustment consideration for LDM 6.14.1
- Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 08:54:40 -0700
Gilbert - I have been tasked with creating the binary packages (which, thanks
to the abundant replies to the survey, I have a great idea on pathway) - I am
going to borrow some of my LDM packaging experience from my previous
employment, and it used a metric for setting the queue size, drum roll, of
66.67% of physical memory. I came up with that in the 2000's as I was using
/dev/shm, and I also know LDM uses mmap() - so whatever was in the queue needed
to be doubled for what was potentially being utilized in memory, and you still
needed memory left over for OS and general tasks. You are on the money, and
you will see that in the metrics on a binary install if you use that packaging.
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WZN-558673
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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