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[LDM #XZH-434392]: Files of different sizes (but same name) de-duping?
- Subject: [LDM #XZH-434392]: Files of different sizes (but same name) de-duping?
- Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2018 14:15:34 -0600
Hi Anne,
> I saw something odd today. Two files from 2 different systems are
> de-duping, even though their sizes are totally different.
> Here is the first file coming into server #1:
> 20180928T191351.525396Z 10.XX.XX.22[50524] INFO
> DownHelp.c:163:dh_saveDataProduct() *412930408 *20180928191239.446464 EXP
> 000
> OR_ABI-L1b-RadF-M3C02_G16_s20182711900367_e20182711911134_c20182711911169.nc
> Then server #1 sends to server #2:
> 20180928T191408.756221Z grbvirt-cprk.ncep.noaa.gov[416] INFO
> DownHelp.c:163:dh_saveDataProduct() *412930408 *20180928191239.446464 EXP
> 000
> OR_ABI-L1b-RadF-M3C02_G16_s20182711900367_e20182711911134_c20182711911169.nc
> Then a few minutes later, server #2 gets a new file with the same filename
> but about 3x larger from a different upstream server, and labels it as a
> duplicate:
> 20180928T191634.971464Z 10.XX.XX.42[415] INFO
> DownHelp.c:198:dh_saveDataProduct() hereis: duplicate: *1412286372
> *20180928191306.610828
> EXP 000
> OR_ABI-L1b-RadF-M3C02_G16_s20182711900367_e20182711911134_c20182711911169.nc
> Is there something in the LDM that might be causing these to de-dupe even
> though they're definitely different sizes?
Yes. If the site(s) that are inserting the GOES-16 products into their LDM
for distribution to dowstreams are using, for instance, the name of the
product (which looks like the name of the file created by something like
CSPP GEO) to create the LDM/IDD Product MD5 signature, then the signature will
be the same even when the contents of two products with the same name
are different.
We, in fact, use the fully qualified file name created by CSPP GEO on our
GOES-16 and GOES-17 GRB ingest systems to calculate the MD5 signatures, and
not the contents of the products. We do this to eliminate a site processing
the same image more than once since the our distributing LDMs will reject
the second product received as being a duplicate. This duplicate product
detection and rejection is done solely using the products MD5 signatures.
Our GOES-16/17 ingest setup is undoubtedly different from that being used
in NOAA:
- we run one instance of CSPP GEO for the stream coming directly from our
GOES-16 Quorum GRB 200 receiver, and we run a second instance of CSPP GEO
that is being fed a stream that is being put together at/by UW/SSEC and is
a blend of the good packets from both our and their downlinks
This approach, which was pioneered by SSEC, eliminates the twice per
year outages that WILL be caused by/at every downlink during
periods of solar interference (SI), and goes a LONG way toward eliminating
errors caused by local, terrestrial interference (TI). It totally
eliminates local TI if the local TI at one site is uncorrelated with
the local TI at the other site.
This setup has been running in an experimental mode at SSEC and Unidata
since the early spring of 2018, and the result has been an almost complete
elimination of "bad" packets in the blended feed. I.e., our images are
essentially perfect.
I'm telling you about the feed blending experimental development for two
- the first related directly to the question you posed in your inquiry:
The images created by CSPP GEO from the stream coming directly from
our GRB 200 receiver are more prone to having errors (which manifest
themselves in missing tiles) than are the images created on the
ingest machine getting the blended feed. If we were to use the contents
of the images to calculate the MD5 signature for products inserted into
the IDD, then end users would end up getting two products for each
coverage since images from both ingest systems are fed into the IDD.
In order to maximize the probability that images from the blended feed
make it into the IDD in preference to the ones from our direct feed,
we also favor the images produced from the blended feed by delaying
the images from our local feed by 20 seconds. This procedure has
gone a long way towards insuring that sites feeding GOES-16 (and GOES-17,
but that is still not generally available) from the IDD get near perfect
to perfect images.
- SSEC is looking to get some funding to finish their development and
documentation of their blending code, and I believe that they are
very interested in getting additional sites with GOES-16 and GOES-17
downlinks participating in the blending experiment
It is my opinion (one that I talked to Carissa about at length while
she was in Boulder recently) that getting NOAA to participate in the
blending experiment would really help in the effort to harden the
code that is doing the blending, and in adding additional redundancy
to the blending effort.
Final comment: the need to blend the output from multiple GOES-R/S
ingest sites will become even more important in the future when
LTE cell services expand into frequencies that are proximate to
that being used for GRB downlinks.
I realize that the above rambled an awful lot, but I hope it was useful
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: XZH-434392
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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