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[LDM #EFY-891334]: Questions about memory management and the LDM
- Subject: [LDM #EFY-891334]: Questions about memory management and the LDM
- Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 16:12:58 -0700
> Thanks Steve: I appreciate the dialog.
> I’ll see about getting into a training workshop. I only started here mid
> July so I’m still learning.
> There are many things here that haven’t been updated in terms of software.
> That’s what I’m starting to make my way through is the entanglement of old
> software. I have been reading the documentation on ldm 4.6.12 and I hope to
> download and build it next week.
I hope you're referring to LDM 6.12.6 rather than 4.6.12.
> I’m debating right now if I should have the sysadmins bring the gcc and perl
> up to date on the machines. I’m sure it would help as well, but it’s a long
> process to get that done. At any rate it’s one battle at a time as I map out
> some milestones for progress.
The only necessity is that the perl interpreter be version 5.
> I still have some uncertainty about the behavior of ldm. I was under the
> impression that memory mapped files were mapped to the virtual memory of the
> machine(physical and swap). Part of what is perceived with other users here
> in their experience with ldm is that it is a problematic process on a solaris
> machine, because when it is running it takes up every bit of the physical
> memory. That observation is based on the file size we have configured, so
> when running with other processes on the server there is plenty of swapping
> going on. I guess what you’re telling me does make sense though in the fact
> that although all the physical memory is consumed, there is still swap space
> left on the drive, so conceptually the ldm.pq file being memory mapped is
> like extending the swap space of the OS.
Virtual memory is specific to a process rather than a machine. The LDM
product-queue is memory-mapped into the virtual memory of each process that has
it open.
> I wasn’t getting that impression from reading the documentation online, it
> seemed that the transfer was between the memory mapped file and the virtual
> memory of the machine, so it made sense to have a swap space large enough to
> augment the physical memory of the machine and expand the size of the virtual
> memory to be large enough to put a 20G ldm.pq file into a mapping and still
> have room left for the other OS processes.
Our advice is to have sufficient physical memory to hold the entire
product-queue plus the O/S and its buffers. Multiply the size of the
product-queue by 3/2 and you should be good.
> The reason we have a large file size for the queue is we would like to have
> more than an hours worth of time for files. Looking at our stats our mean
> retention time right now is about five days. Probably way too much as I
> suspected so I’ll definitely consider trimming down the file size of ldm.pq
> and see how that effects the performance and delivery.
5 days? Yeah, you can make it smaller.
> In the case of attempting to insert a file larger than the ldm.pq size does
> that imply that LDM-4 will stop processing files through ldm until it is
> restarted, and with an error thrown in LDM-6 will it continue to process or
> will it stop ingesting files until restarted as well.
If the files are being inserted via pqinsert(1) *and* that process is running
*inside* the process-group of the LDM server (by means of an EXEC entry in the
LDM configuration-file) then the LDM-4 pqinsert(1) process will likely crash
due to a SIGSEGV and take the entire LDM system down with it. An LDM-6
pqinsert(1) processs in the LDM server's process group, however, will simply
error-exit and the LDM system will stay up. If the pqinsert(1) process is not
in the LDM server's process group, then neither LDM system will terminate.
There will be a delay up to 30 seconds, however, before the inserted product is
relayed downstream.
> The reason I would like to stay with the LDM is that it is in place, it
> recognizes file duplication at the insertion point. In my previous email I
> was referring to downstream ldm’s that are requesting duplicated file sets
> from the up stream. I think if we can get our end to end path configurations
> sorted out I believe we can tune the system to meet our needs. Thanks for
> the help and if I do get a chance I’ll see about dropping by UCAR after the
> first of the year to get a better sense of how I could make ldm work for us.
You'd be welcome.
> Thanks
> -Mike
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: EFY-891334
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed