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[LDM #EBA-558540]: LDM v.6.11.5 compilation failure [Mac OS X v.10.8.4]
- Subject: [LDM #EBA-558540]: LDM v.6.11.5 compilation failure [Mac OS X v.10.8.4]
- Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 09:48:42 -0600
Let's both be angry at Autotools. :-)
Take care.
> Ah, I have to admit that I didn't read those instructions carefully enough to
> catch the revised unpacking strategy (using pax, which I'd never heard of
> before). Part of the problem was that the instructions are written for Bourne
> or bash shells, while I use tcsh, so there are enough syntactical differences
> that I glossed over the use of pax instead of tar in the unpacking command
> (throwing out the baby with the bathwater and just going with what has always
> worked in the past). Serves me right!
> -- Dave
> ************************************************************
> * Dr. Dave Dempsey | ^ ___ \|/ *
> * Dept. of Geosciences | ) ^ /||_||\ --0-- *
> * San Francisco State University | ) ) / ||_|| \ /|\ *
> * 1600 Holloway Ave. | ) ) / ||_|| \ *
> * San Francisco, CA 94132 | ) ) / ||_|| \ ^ *
> * | ) ) )
> ||_|| \ *
> * Phone: (415) 338-7716 | ) ) )~||~||~~~~ \~~*
> * FAX: (415) 338-7705 | ) ) ) ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*
> * Email: address@hidden | ) ) ) ) ) ~ ~ ~ ~ *
> ************************************************************
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: EBA-558540
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed