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20050319: QuickScat data for Vietnam


The regions of Quikscat winds currently available in the data stream 
in BUFR fomat from NOAA only cover east of 103E longitude as shown in 
Figure 3 in http://ams.confex.com/ams/pdfpapers/70665.pdf.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User SUpport

>From: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata

>>From: Mai Nguyen <address@hidden>
>>Organization: National Center For HydroMeteorological Forecasting, Hanoi, Vie
> tnam
>>Keywords: 200503100444.j2A4inv2020321 IDD latency
>Hi Mai, 
>>I have another question while you're still 'working'
>>with my previous one.
>>The QuickScat data that we're receiving now doesn't
>>seem to cover our region. Could you please check for
>>me if there is some thing we can do about it? (in
>I believe that the ldmd.conf request will get all QuickScat data
>that there is.  I will check to make sure, however.
>>Thanks and bye for now.  Have a nice weekend! Mai
>I am sorry I couldn't get to this before this morning.
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