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Re: corrupt queues
- Subject: Re: corrupt queues
- Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 15:09:00 -0600
Benjamin Cotton wrote:
> Anne,
> I checked syslog.conf and it has exactly what's given on the LDM
> installation site. It's the same machine that Eric ran. As far as the
> pnga2area seg fault, right after the workshop we had run into the
> problem of somehow the massive drive space on anvil was full. My remedy
> for this was to remove the lines in pqact.conf that caused the decoders
> to write to this file. What I've done now is I have put the -l verbage
> back in and made a cronjob that removes the png.log file once a month.
> Nothing has been installed or broken lately, to the best of my
> knowledge. However, the Computing Systems Administrator has been doing
> upgrades to the department computers all summer, and something might
> have been offended then.
> I'm pretty sure the University itself hasn't done anything to halt file
> sharing, since that is the vice of choice among the vast majority of
> guys in my hall. As for the EAS department, I couldn't say. I don't
> think anyone uses department computers for that to begin with, but you
> can never tell with dirt science (read: geoscience) people. I'll ask
> our sysadmin, but it may be a while until he can get back to me on it.
> In the meantime, I've got a hunch the problem (or at least part of it)
> lies somewhere in the pqact.conf vicinity. The data I receive, by
> looking doing ldmadmin watch, is only about 45 minutes latent. However,
> in my files the data is often 10-12 or more hours late.
> Thanks,
> Ben
> ===================
> Benjamin J. Cotton
> LDM Administrator
> Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science,
> Purdue University
> 165 Cary Quadrangle cell: (502) 551-5403
> West Lafayette, IN 47906 campus: (765) 49-52298
> address@hidden
> www.eas.purdue.edu/~bcotton
> -----Original Message-----
> From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 23:42
> To: Benjamin Cotton
> Cc: address@hidden
> Subject: Re: corrupt queues
> > Benjamin Cotton wrote:
> >
> > Anne,
> >
> >
> >
> > Five dollars says I just plain forgot to attach the logs. To clarify,
> > yes I first noticed the LDM hating me the first day of the workshop,
> > but I had been busy with my other job for the few days before and had
> > not had time to look at it. The data flow has been uninterrupted all
> > morning, but everything with the exception of the models is
> > incomplete, and all of the data is substantially late.
> >
> >
> >
> > Ben
> >
Hi Ben,
I think the simplest way to solve your logging problem would be for me
to look at your installation. At the same time, I'll take a look at
your pqact.conf file (which does sound suspect based on what you
described). Would you allow me to log in to your machine? If so,
please encode the necessary info, or call me: (303) 497-8677.
Anne Wilson UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata WWW server http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/