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Re: Finally
- Subject: Re: Finally
- Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 16:22:21 -0600 (MDT)
the list is rather lengthy....
Perl path
usr/local symbolic link
and some nit picky permissions here and there, and some conflicting old
But that is the meat of it.
Here is a heads up..
You have no space on root, I suspect this is why syslog stopped or was
stopped..Please keep an eye on this, as without logs, troubleshooting will
be impossible...syslog running is important.
Also, plz check to make sure you are running NTP or some time protocol, I
saw some messages in var/adm that were in the future.
The permission denied was being caused by incomplete path to the working
perl dir..ldmadmin is a perl script.
I have data coming from thelma currently, and set-up your feed from
cornell. Just comment out thelma and uncomment out snow(in ldmd.conf)
after testing is complete. You currently just have a file action for WMO
products in your pqact.conf so may want to visit that as well..there are
many examples for pqact entries from the GEMPAK tutorial pages..This will
all depend on what products you request, and how you desire to handle
them..either file or pass over decoders..
I have stopped the ldm...you may want to check disc space and your
pqact.conf before starting it up again to make sure your desired products
are being handled as you desire.
Thank you,
____________________________ _____________________
Jeff Weber address@hidden
Unidata Support PH:303-497-8676
NWS-COMET Case Study Library FX:303-497-8690
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber Boulder,Co 80307-3000
________________________________________ ______________________
On Tue, 21 May 2002, Pavel Byles-Howard University Engineering wrote:
> I see that it's finally working.
> Cold you tell me what was wrong?
> --
> Sent using Pine ver. 4.4
> on RedHat Linux 7.3