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20020329: LDM on redhat 7.2
- Subject: 20020329: LDM on redhat 7.2
- Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 13:45:19 -0700
>From: "Hutchinson, Todd" <address@hidden>
>Organization: WSI
>Keywords: 200203291959.g2TJxpa01640 LDM RedHat 7.2 Linux
>I just installed ldm on redhat 7.2. I came across two problems that I
>wanted to let you know about.
>The first was, in the ldmadmin script, there is a line (~765) which reads
>$rpcinfo cmd = "rpcinfo -t localhost 300029"
>I had to change this to
>$rpcinfo cmd = "/usr/sbin/rpcinfo -t localhost 300029"
>in order for the script to find rpcinfo (I'm sure I could have added
>/usr/sbin to my path instead).
Changing your PATH would have been a better way to fix this. Once you
change a script that is included in the LDM distribution, you will need
to change the same script each time you upgrade your software. By
changing the PATH in your .cshrc file, you only have to make the change
>Also, I found it necessary to add my machine name (supercell) to my allow
>line. Just simply using
>allow localhost
>did not seem to work. I was never able to understand why. Perhaps you
>might know?
Did you (or someone else) modify the /etc/hosts file entry for localhost?
For reference, this should look like: localhost.localdomain localhost
The other possibility is that you are using NIS/NIS+ and you do not
have your system configured to search the local /etc/hosts file (in
addition to the NIS server) to resolve names.
>Thanks very much,
>Todd Hutchisnon
Tom Yoksas