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Re: IDD hookups and pluto.met.fsu.edu
- Subject: Re: IDD hookups and pluto.met.fsu.edu
- Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 15:05:12 -0700 (MST)
Hi Bret,
Welcome aboard!
I can confirm the NNEXRAD from stokes, that is what our records indicate
as well.
However, it does appear as if our site list is a bit out of date re pluto.
For one I do not think
even exists anymore.
Do you see an ldmd.conf.failover in your ~ldm/etc dir and if so who does
it name as the new feed host.
I will update our records to indicate your current config (and also list
you as another point of contact) as it seems to have been working well
prior to your recent problems. We can always revisit your upstream hosts
if performance becomes unsatisfactory.
Thanks for keeping me updated!
____________________________ _____________________
Jeff Weber address@hidden
Unidata Support PH:303-497-8676
NWS-COMET Case Study Library FX:303-497-8690
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber Boulder,Co 80307-3000
________________________________________ ______________________
On 22 Feb 2002, Bret D. Whissel wrote:
> Hi, Jeff.
> As you may have been aware, pluto.met.fsu.edu (our primary LDM machine)
> dove off a cliff in mid-January. We resurrected it as a Linux box, and
> it seems to be doing just fine now. Before pluto's demise, I had been
> hesitant to mess with the box or its configuration because (1) I was
> ignorant of what it was doing, and (2) it worked fine on its own without
> my intervention. Since I built the LDM, GEMPAK, and MCIDAS
> installations from source on the new pluto, I'm much more familiar with
> its operation now.
> With yesterday's data outage and locating a failover site, I had an
> opportunity to explore my ignorance a little more. I notice on the IDD
> site contact list page that pluto's primary feed should be
> snow.nrcc.cornell.edu. According to pluto's configuration file, the
> HDS, IDS|DDPLUS feeds came from squall.atmos.uiuc.edu, while the MCIDAS
> and FSL2 feeds came from snow.nrcc.cornell.edu.
> We get the NEXRAD feed from stokes.metr.ou.edu.
> I'm wondering if you could clarify what our primary and failover feeds
> SHOULD be. You may also add my name to Bill Cottrill's as the site
> contact list for pluto at Florida State: (address@hidden, (850)
> 644-2522).
> Thanks,
> Bret Whissel
> FSU Met SysAdmin