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20020213: realtime FTPs to motherlode.ucar.edu (cont.)

>From: "Kevin Polston" <address@hidden>
>Organization: NOAA
>Keywords: 200202012111.g11LBCx14907 LDM installation


>Well I have made some progress (I think) in some areas....no progress in
>other areas.


>First,  I've attached my ldmd.conf and pqact.conf files for you to check
>over again. I added the line in the ldmd.conf file to get the radar data
>and in the pqact.conf file I made a few more additions.

Let's start with ldmd.conf:

You didn't add the allow line for papagayo like I requested in my previous
email.  Here it is again:

allow   ANY     papagayo\.unl\.edu$

We'll leave that for now and look at pqact.conf:

NNEXRAD  ^SDUS5. .... ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-6][0-9]).*/p(...)(...)
        FILE     -close 

In this action, you apparently left off the opening '/' on the directory
where you want NEXRAD products filed.  Also, you restricted your match
to SDUS5 files only.  This may not be what you want given your request
in ldmd.conf that asks for "/pN0R" for NNEXRAD.

So, the entry should probably look like:

NNEXRAD  ^SDUS[2357]. .... ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-6][0-9]).*/p(...)(...)
        FILE     -close 

(NB: I havn't studied the last part of the match yet)

>I am thinking I
>added the lines to get the WV and VIS imagery and the 20km ETA grib data
>and surface obs.

You are requesting all of the imagery available in NOAAPORT from papagayo
through the request:

request NIMAGE ".*"

Your pqact.conf file does not yet have anything that would be used to
file this data.  I will have to get you a copy of the file that is
used to uncompress this data before you can add the action.  This
will have to be done on Friday as I will not be in tomorrow.

>When I ran the ldmadmin pqactcheck the message returned
>to me said " pqact.conf is syntactically correct".  I am assuming that
>is good.  :-)

Yes, this is much better than what would have been spit out with your
previous incarnation of pqact :-).

>I found out one of the problems I was having was I was
>trying to edit the file using kwrite. However....for soem reason kwrite
>was not addign the white spaces in there. So I had to use vi (which I
>had never used before but I had a friend sort of walk me throuhg and I
>got the hang of it - at least for what I was doing). That seemed to take
>care of the syntax problem.


>However....where do I look for the data? Do
>I look in my usr1/nawips/metdat files (for whichever product I was
getting) or is it being stored somewhere else?

Your file action for NEXRAD data would end up creating all needed
subdirectories under ~ldm/data:


I think you wanted the filing to occur in /usr1/nawips/metdat/images/radar/nids.
If so, you need to edit pqact.conf and add that beginning '/'.  After
changing pqact.conf, you should check it and then tell pqact to reread it.
All of this, of course, is done as the user 'ldm':

cd ~ldm/etc
<edit pqact.conf>
ldmadmin pqactcheck
<if you get no error indications>
ldmadmin pqactHUP

>Because, for instance,
>with the radar data, I never saw any other 0.5 reflectivity slices from
>any of the radars in my usr1/nawips/metdat/images/radar/nids/ref0/

Again, this is a relative directory path, not an absolute one.

>So while the pqact.conf file might be syntactically correct 
>I still can't find the data to view. 

Look in ~ldm/data/usr1/nawips/metdat/images/radar/nids and see if the
directory structure is there and, if so, if any files have been 

>With regards to the firewall setup...I honestly have no clue what the
>problem is here. I had my friend from AWC walk me through setting up
>allowing telnet sessions but he wasn't able to connect. So I'm not sure
>where to head from here. I will keep at it though.

Check with your system administrator.

>So I guess I will wait to see if I have the pqact.conf file set up
>correctly ( I think I do). It might be baby steps but I'll take it at
>this juncture!  :-)

Let's work on the filing of NEXRAD.  After that is working like you want,
we will move on to other actions.

Again, I will be out of the office tomorrow.  I will read email early
(before 7 am my time) and late (after 7 pm my time).  I will be in on

Now, if I could get to your machine, I would be happy to setup the
first few things in the LDM so as to get you moving in the right
directory (and so the realtime FTPs could be shut off).  Since I can't
ping, ldmping, telnet to, or ssh to your machine, this is not currently
a possiblity.
