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20011119: LDM issues on papagayo

>From: Unidata User Support <address@hidden>
>Organization: Unidata Program Center/UCAR
>Keywords: LDM ldm-5.1.4


While tracking down a problem unrelated to papagayo, we had occasion
to logon and look through log files there.  We saw numerous pqact
'child xxxx exited with status 1' messages.  We also something that
looks like was addessed in the latest LDM release, 5.1.4:

Nov 19 23:52:00 papagayo motherlode[17185]: FEEDME(motherlode.ucar.edu): OK
Nov 19 23:52:01 papagayo motherlode[17185]: pq_del_oldest: conflict on 18076248
Nov 19 23:52:01 papagayo motherlode[17185]: comings: pqe_new: Resource 
temporarily unavailable

So, not being bashful, Anne and I FTPed 5.1.4 and built it on papagayo.
Since we do not have root, however, we could not finish the installation/
upgrade.  What remains to be done is:

1) Change permissions for rpc.ldmd and hupsyslog to be setuid root. This step
   needs to be done as root :

   % cd ~ldm/ldm-5.1.4/bin
   % chown root rpc.ldmd
   % chown root hupsyslog
   % chmod u+srwx,g+rx,o+rx rpc.ldmd
   % chmod u+srwx,g+rx,o+rx hupsyslog

2) stop the ldm:

   ldmadmin stop

3) change the runtime link in ~ldm to point at ldm-5.1.4

   cd ~ldm
   rm runtime
   ln -s ldm-5.1.4 runtime

4) delete and remake the LDM queue:

   ldmadmin delqueue
   ldmadmin mkqueue

5) restart the LDM:

   ldmadmin start

We setup the 5.1.4 copy of ldmadmin to make a 600 MB queue.  The
previous version was making what looks to be a 200 MB queue, and we
feel that is simply not enough for a relay site.  As a heads-up:
remaking the queue will take time, so don't get impatient while the
'ldmadmin mkqueue' is running.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help finish the
